
Does it bother anyone else that they changed the switches to circles from rectangles? I'm really mad that nobody had commented on this! I know it's part of aesthetic design or whatever, but when companies make minor, but prevalent and easily seen changes like this, It really throws me off! If Apple had said, "By the

Yes, but I just used an old 32MB SD card and left in in the slot on my laptop for a while. Hiding in plain sight is quite convenient.

What is wrong with his hair? And his voice? Oh wait...

Flash? Not on a mobile device. It's too prone to bugs, it would suck battery, and anything that required a mouseover would be totally useless. I would never, like most people, want to use flash without a mouse and keyboard. It just doesn't make sense. I'm not sure why people don't see this.

Yay for sideloading and an accesible file system!

That definitely looks like the Gingerbread / Motoblur treatment that the Droid X and Pro just got.

College Humor has been Gizmodo'd. Again.

I remember using dTunes and mobile terminal on my old iPod touch to download torrents! This seems like a much more streamlined interface. Although, is there another alternative package installer to Installous? Hackulous never fails to disappoint in the realm of piracy, but it seems like piracy is all they do.

"Will it be as good?" Was he really ever good? Auto-tune is the savior of wanna-be artists with no vocal talent. This guy just got lucky.

I couldn't do something like scrolling pages or a home screen with my mouse. Click and drag? No thanks, I'd prefer to stick to the scroll wheel/ball. I know that it most likely will be possible to use my preferences, but most tablet/touch interface controls would be ungainly with a mouse.

I did not. Thank you.

You're right, but I just couldn't get used to clicking and dragging my mouse to do stuff.

After what they did to GeoHot, I started despising them and have not supported them in any way since then. How can you still be any bit a fan of theirs after this?

It's going to be fantastic for tablet/pen/touch interfaces, but for desktop computing with a mouse and keyboard, I'm going to loathe it.

I use a mousepad. I'm thinking of cutting down to size and gluing it on the stand sometime, but hey. I really don't care.

Woah woah woah. This is not good! This might be nice for a tablet, or even a netbook, but what I want on a computer is the ability to run multiple windows on each other; the ability to have space, even if it is somewhat inconvenient, to see the desktop; and to be able to multitask in a true manner. This I could not do

Is this in Vista or only 7? I might do it on my brother's computer.

Haha! Yeah, that's me.

BEWARE! I used GrooVe IP for a while, and it kept sending emails to people in my address book saying "Adam wants to chat". It's really kind of stupid, but hey. It bothered me.

This is a full plastic sheet. It is just ribbed to make sliding it easier.