
They got rid of the word "menu" as the menu button. I'm gonna miss that.

This is a beautiful piece of hardware. If not a bit thick, and the battery's only 1500 mili amps, there are few flaws. It's bound to be a fantastic Android phone judging by the benchmarks, but not a good PSP. It needs sticks.

@Xultar: Nice try, Bill.

Gun owner doesn't mean redneck.

@orca9999: In my experience not one windows machine (yes there is such a thing! It's a windows computer) has lasted more than 5 years. My parents' tower got clogged and overrun; my brother's laptop is now extremely slow and we had to do 3 resets, my friend's laptop's fan died, and a neighbor's tower is so slow it

@fugeesnfunions: I read the whole thing, and then switched over to the full site on my pre just so I could heart you. You rule.

@orca9999: Windows software sometimes doesn't work on Macs. People really have no excuse, given parallels and boot camp, but oh well. Windows machines offer more customizability, but some people don't need that. I for one just need a computer that runs Eclipse and chrome and minecraft (simple man that I am) and a

@semperverus: Well across the predominant sites (Lifehacker, Gizmodo, Engadget) most of the writers are Macintosh users.

@Graymulligan: Personal preference, maybe. The fact that Apple computers are, 99% of the time, just better, comes to mind for me.

Hmm, the biggest tech writers in the business, whose jobs it is to review pros and cons of various technologies, of which personal computers are an extremely large section, use Apple gear. I wonder why.

She did get a spa day! All she has to do is use the drugs, and she's anywhere she wants to be!

@Rosa Golijan: What I meant was that I wanted to know if you're violating Apple's developer non-disclosure agreement if you tell us about the gestures or the media streaming at all. Do they ask you to keep secret about it?

I heard quite a lot about a NDA in the "Gestures aren't coming to iPad" article. Is it a violation if you tell us what's going on?

@matt buchanan: Well that's a crazy fast drive! I've got something like 5500; I'm not sure. It's a 2008 laptop, and I don't expect too much out of it. I use Ubuntu 90% of the time anyways, so it doesn't really matter, I guess.

Whose switches look like that? Those are super cool! Mine are just the plain old rectangular ones.

My windows 7 startup time with a standard HDD: 2 minutes 40 seconds. My dad's win7 time on his SSD: 40 seconds. I really like that.

Is it waterproof? I wonder if the multiple screens and lots o' electronics can be sealed off.

Thanks! This will be very useful as I cram for finals this week.