
@Matat: That made me smile.

Awesome party trick, especially if you can get it right the first try.

Ah, back in the days when I was an 8-year-old, my brother and I would type out names followed by a .com into the url bar. His was always the best.

@ddmeightball: We're not sure as of yet if the loaning process can happen more than once, or if the owner can read it at the same time, or whatever. There's not much in Amazon's help section yet.

Finally. Amazon's website doesn't have much in the way of help, so I can't figure out if there is a limit to number of times one can loan a book, or if you can permanently give someone a book you already have. I've been trying for days to get DRM-removal software because my father has a bunch of books that I would

Wait, he held up a post office? What the heck? Did his mail arrive late or something?

@Matat: I'm impressed someone actually knows what an atlatl is!

My dad has had this app since back when he still had his iPhone 3G. He loves it and uses it off and on, considering he has a nano with Nike+.

@HashMaster9000: Eh... I'd want actual chrome, and I'd want it to look good. That's decent, but not great.

@vdiddy210 - Can Also Drive 90 in a 40: Thank you! I just love his helmet. If only I could get the money/time to make it... and then measurements and stuff would be another thing entirely.

I personally think Thomas' helmet is much nicer, but nobody else I've talked to seems to think that. Its simplicity and monochrome LED field make it just that more attractive to me. I would seriously be willing to pay any price for one.

I used to use Textfree. Now, it offers calling and MMS in addition to SMS. []

@nawoa.lanor: Please don't do that... protect someone's privacy. Even if whoever blurred it did a bad job, that's no excuse to post someone's phone number online without their consent.

@MifuneT: He doesn't want the band on the top to mess with his perfect comb-over.

@Arguru: That is the first time I have seen him smile.

@cipher.Cero: I know. It's always awkward meeting people and when they ask for your numbers, you have to explain the whole "I call from here and text from here" thing. It's weird. But hey, I don't mind saving the $30 a month.

@Serigei: Oh, UAC. When I upgraded from XP to Vista, I wanted to punch a hole through my screen until I figured out what it was and how to turn it off.

@ccallener13: Yeah, that makes sense. Do you do any converting yourself? I primarily load 360 and 480p videos onto my Pre.

@sjr28: He still is? I think? I don't know. I've seen articles from him lately, I believe.