Ariel D

Pretty sure we heard miller too “Monkeys... Wrenches”, or something of the sort.

This is one show that makes me want to rehash the moniker once reserved for the Person of Interest comment section:

Is there though? FX is a Fox subsidiary, and they have the rights to Prof. X and all the other X-men.

Contrary to some of the theorizing here, I don’t necessarily think that this is all the product of the Shadow King inducing mass delusions.

Some on Reddit pointed out there’s a giveaway to the Cradle scenes: the aspect ratio changes (a very Nolanesque thing)

Thank you LaToya, for keeping the coverage going weekly, when I’m sure it was called to be axed, and for making it more than a simple recap every week, bringing out depth in themes and character in what I’m sure most saw as an inherently silly show (which, sure, it often was, in the best of ways).

What the... The Expanse was cancelled? What the hell Syfy?

They weren’t really struggling when the show was written however. Season 2 was pretty strong creatively and certainly in good shape when it got a back half order, along with the early renewal.

I wish this bade well for Lucifans as a silver lining, but none of these are hour long dramas so... more choppin’ might be happening.

Angie Tribeca always has a good run of captions... including entire an entire plot for the season that doesn’t exist whatsoever in the actual episodes.

Forget burying the lede, this is misdirection of the highest order.

It’s pretty amazing how Dan started off as a corrupt cop, and now we’re left aching in sadness for how unfair it is that he loses Charlotte after the courage it took him to go to her last week. Good work all around by the writers and Kevin Alejandro.

As disparate as the plots were... this was one damn funny episode, which kept it worthwhile.

Beyond the answer above about comic Canon, the movie itself hints at the existence of the whole race of Groots when Rocket is surprised that Thor understands Groot (with Thor’s answer being what of my favorite jokes of IW)

... Based on what, one season of Westworld?

He’s getting better!

Relic from the Disqus days, when there were tons of ‘Daily Threads’ under WOT, with a lot more discussion than here since the Kinjapocalypse.

The show’s been refreshingly taking some larger risks with its plot and structure this season, and it paying off in spades - at least for fans. There’s still the occasional all-encompassing brain (like last week...) but the willingness to go dark with a decently paced plot, while maintaining the solid ensemble’s

Bah, failed for my attempt too.