
I think this group was all women too

I used to watch the show on SD but when I changed to HD it is so much better. SD looks like the show is from years ago and the edges on everything is a little fuzzy. I thought that was an effect they were going for until I watched in HD. The night time scenes are a lot clearer

I thought that was why Rick told Aaron to stay behind, so they wouldn't overload the boat

I couldnt believe the Black lady with a weave in the during zombie times. not happening

they watched Three is Company though

maybe he had Michonne's gun with the crooked sight

people will do anything to get on TV

Was Logan wearing a game of thrones prop, the hand of the king pin, when he made general?

Her running was really awkward and I hadn't noticed that before

I agree. The scratches also prove that he didn't shower after being covered in blood because scratches and blood from earlier were still present

The promos made me not want to watch. But I happened to be at my brother's house and he wanted to watch. I'm glad I did!

I thought he took the knife to throw it away but he just put it on his dashboard??? Then his pocket? At least hide it under the floor mat

I think the was mirandized off camera because he told his new lawyer he had his rights read to him. If he asks for a lawyer or a phone call they probably would have let me but I think because he didn't ask, they didn't offer

I originally thought all these people were just witnesses to see Nas and Andrea together. Not potential suspects. Now I'm looking at everyone differently.

I was screaming at him to run when all the cops left him alone. No one there knew what he was doing there for the longest time

I was confused about that too. But I have more that one similar knife at my house so she could too

LOL! It did remind me of the Departed and then the Simpsons

But it created noise too

I was afraid he was going to show up. I'm glad he didn't

Carol is definitely Carl