
I wonder, though, if the data they were using specifically asked for ethnicity as "Hispanic" or "Not Hispanic" as a separate question from race (and automatically categorized Hispanic as white). They might have taken such data and then analyzed it as though Hispanic were a race.

Hopefully, this will teach people that consider themselves to be grammar police to go slow when accusing others of violations. This data suggests that when a person speaks, they have every right to boldly split infinitives, and to end sentences with prepositions whenever they want to.

One of the things I loved most about the Indiana Jones movies was how they lovingly riffed off of older tropes surrounding cheesy pulp adventure stories. They were also very era-based, which people ended up hating when it came to the 1950's alien stuff in the fourth one.

YOU LIKE IT?!?!?! I've been working on it for so long I'm starting to go crazy. I have no perspective any more.

Designing a series logo

DUDE you should self-publish! Edit it to perfection, make up some covers, debut the whole series at once. It's the way to go these days. If it's at all decent and you work to promote it you could really see a cool response!

Hoo boy, that's fantastic.

It's the "just bite it" solution to everything! Have a problem? Just bite it!

Yeah, it was great except for the part where the epidemiologists at the Minnesota Department of Health, which is the best department of health in the county and often miles ahead of the CDC in outbreak response (that's right, I said it), had to sit there like morons and have basic stuff explained to them so the

Aw, man, I'm going through this right now with a friend. She still wants to work it out. It's not going to work out.

Aw man, now I'm laughing so hard my husband's gonna ask why I'm laughing and I CAN'T TELL HIM because I'm gonna USE THIS ONE LATER.

Um, I'm pretty sure there are 10 men for every woman on this planet. Or... just 10 men who matter and whom we should care about? I think my math is right on this one. The demographics of our planet, and of comic book readers and MCU watchers, is so very comfusing and mysterious, but it's gotta be around 10:1.

This doesn't show true polarization (a term that implies the disappearance of the middle ground, yielding to extremes); that is a seriously flawed interpretation of the data. This gif charts party realignment, which is a different animal. (NOTE: I already posted much of this in response to an earlier article) The

This is a seriously flawed interpretation of the data. The questions forced people to choose between one of two options. There is no way for the study to show true middle-of-the-road opinions. The study shows that, if forced to choose between a strict binary, people are now more consistent in their choice. It doesn't

My daughter was 3 when she first asked, "What if we're not real and this is all in a movie and a really boring one?" She wonders this all the time. None of my answers have stopped the questioning, and I think that's probably a good thing... as long as it's not turning into anxiety.

In (private, Christian)college, a bio professor in my Animal Behavior class tried to pull a "women want love, men want sex" line of bullshit and I had to raise my hand and say, "Actually, girls want sex just as much as boys. We're socialized to think that we shouldn't be feeling that way, but it's not natural. It's

??? Is "get a job somewhere else" seriously a genuine argument you're trying to make? People cling desperately to jobs that in no way allow them to support their families. You really think everyone involved has the incredible privilege of choosing between multiple job opportunities? No. No no no.

We share a neighborhood, internet friend!

Nooo I don't want to lose Salut! I'd rather complain vocally to the owners than stop going there—that'll just screw over the local staff, not the owners.