Booby only for men! For other things?!? NO! Only for men sexy! Babies confusing! Why like breast, baby? Baby gross. Breast gross if in baby mouth. No on cover! *stomp stomp*
Booby only for men! For other things?!? NO! Only for men sexy! Babies confusing! Why like breast, baby? Baby gross. Breast gross if in baby mouth. No on cover! *stomp stomp*
Will it stress you out even more if I tell you not to stress? Ahh, what do I say?!? Just let the baby do their thing. Sometimes it takes a few minutes, but stress and anxiety can make the whole thing much, much harder. There's no reason to assume going in that your baby will need any extra help. It's ok if they do,…
Hahaha some shops censored the cover of the first issue?!? That last image is the best thing ever.
sign into your own account, honey
"But that would have never happened if the Pentagon hadn't been writing blank checks to computer nerds in the early '60s."
I think this comment should just win... everything. Just win everything.
Seriously—where the hell is The Handmaid's Tale?
Yeah, Hiddleston's hands are incredible. Mison, yaaaaas!
Where did I say it was?
Whoa, bringing up a completely separate issue, way to go. Are you asking rhetorically, or do you really not know why pets aren't covered the same way as children under medical assistance?
I tried to write a response explaining how the internet works but I got bored so
I can tell you what I've seen from experience: white women advocating specifically for black men isn't really a thing. White women advocating for more diversity, and basically meaning more POC women, is what it seems to end up being. I work at a place that's maybe 85% female, and maybe 5% POC (???) for the whole…
I already get the privilege that comes with white skin; I don't need the privilege that comes with silently perpetuating the status quo.
That phrase "...and can't afford it" can also refer to the difficulty of getting time off of work and paying for transportation or childcare related to one or more of those appointments, and these barriers are not solved by medical assistance.
Aw, good luck! You can do it!
Aw, man. One of my favorite books of all time. It's crazy how different things grab different people, huh?
Here's there like five pages in. I didn't get any further than that because my time is limited and I was feeling very meh about it.
Same. My mother was all, "Here's a fun thrilling action movie!" and I was all, "HOLY HELL, possessed children animals burning alive oncoming doom inevitable death, no!"
Jeez, way to write a crazily inflammatory headline! Kudos, man, you got me thinking there was a very effective serial killer on the loose or something.