
Where did I say it was?

I tried to write a response explaining how the internet works but I got bored so

I can tell you what I've seen from experience: white women advocating specifically for black men isn't really a thing. White women advocating for more diversity, and basically meaning more POC women, is what it seems to end up being. I work at a place that's maybe 85% female, and maybe 5% POC (???) for the whole

I already get the privilege that comes with white skin; I don't need the privilege that comes with silently perpetuating the status quo.


Sounds like, in addition to the "Sexy Lamp" and "Sexy Lamp with a Post-It Note" tests, we need a "Big Beefy Arm" test. Could she be replaced with a big, muscly arm that punches things in the background? (Obviously this gets more complicated if you have to put a little bikini on the big, beefy arm, in order for it to

I complain about the lack of women in the Avengers.

I'm 10000% with you on this one.

I feel that all the time, now that I'm working at a dept of health. People talk all the time about "the poor" and it's like they're some completely different alien species. Sometimes I just want to be like, THIS IS ME. I GREW UP THIS WAY, I AM SLIGHTLY BETTER NOW AND THANK YOU FOR HIRING ME AND GIVING ME THIS INCOME

The fucking sociopath who wrote that article also has some nuggets of "wisdom" for men. Some highlights:
4. Sex is best when you treat it as a competition.

I DID I DID I KNEW! Ok, so I'm watching Goblet of Fire, right? And I look at him and realize, wait, that's a pillow around his stomach—and they gave him fake teeth... I know what's going on here... he's getting too hot. AND I WAS RIGHT AHAHA

I'm a working mom supporting my husband and two kids on just about what the lady in this article is making. My husband is a stay-at-home dad while he finishes his bachelor's degree. It's frickin' hard but way better than a few months ago, when I was working part-time and my husband was working 3 part-time seasonal

Ooh, like a really cool white gold, long-sleeved, pencil skirt dress with strong architectural elements that recall the False Maria in perhaps the shoulders and the arms, and C-3P0 around the ribcage?!?!? BECAUSE I AM CURRENTLY OBSESSED WITH THIS IDEA.

Ugh, I've had the hardest time getting my oldest, who is now 3.5 but this started much earlier, to loosen up her gender differentiation. She doesn't get it from us, but I suppose from stories and other kids in childcare situations, but she has certain things that make her CERTAIN someone is a girl or a boy—mainly,

I went and looked and didn't find a single one. What are you talking about?

Pop stars (and fashion models) themselves are supposed to be stylized and tend to go with a long and lean figure, and they're not supposed to represent reality. It's not an excuse. It's perpetuating harmful shit and it is creepy and gross. It's not "just art calm down" if over and over it is cited as contributing to

Minnesota addendum:

...I know... I wasn't saying you called me aggressive. I was stating something, independent of you.

Who? I'm not trying to be aggressive here, I'm actually curious who people think would have been good. I'm not all up on actors who can sing, so I don't think I'd be able to come up with anyone. (Then again, I don't think they should have done the whole thing in the first place.) mean because Jamie Foxx is playing Electro?