
i think maybe they should specify the very small subset of women to which this article applies: women in corporate jobs with mid to high incomes, maybe? It certainly doesn't apply to the work I've done in public health.


Strangely enough, there's more than one type of guy. If you want to date the type of guy who doesn't like it when women take the initiative, then don't take the initiative. I never would have worked with a guy who wasn't a feminist, so I only asked out feminists. They do exist and life is way easier when your guy

My aunt gave me The Rules when I was in college, and also a book called Fascinating Womanhood which is a great read if you want to be furious for a while. My aunt is so adorably sincere that there's no way I could even be upset about it. Ahhh, The Rules. Good times.

My husband was just telling me about how in France in the 1700's the fashion for fancy women was to show a LOT of cleavage—even some areola of the nipple—because it was on the same level of attractive anatomy that we consider a nice hairstyle today. Women showed off their breasts and it wasn't scandalous. What was

I'd rather look at it this way than equate breasts with penises. They're not equal. Broad shoulders and increased muscle mass are secondary sex characteristics for men, just like breasts are secondary sex characteristics for women, and the only reason men's torsos shown off without scandal ensuing is because women

Lindy Lindy review Teen Wolf PLEEEEEEASE! I need someone to make fun of it better than I can!

YES Teen Wolf is the definitive hate-watch/guilty pleasure show. It's sooooo bad but it has Dylan O'Brien and that's all I need. He's a genius and I'm gonna be all proud when he becomes a huge celebrity. Also, come ON, if you're gonna set up a hilarious antagonistic relationship with the potential for deep emotional

Oh, man, we got a lot of laughs over the granny underwear debate in college. I even got my BFF granny undies for Valentine's Day once! Good times, good times.

Yeah, a friend of mine from college ended up marrying a girl he met at a bus stop. He's pretty amazing and gorgeous, so there's that.

Oh, FINE, I'll join in. This is how I landed my husband, dude. Hit on him, asked him for drinks, he ends with "So... can I have your number?"I reply, "What are you doing tomorrow night?" And the night after that, and the night after that. Married a year and a month later.

I'm freakin' excited about this, and I'm not even embarrassed. I've read BJD about 50 times, probably—when I was a teenager and college student I really enjoyed reading the stories of a woman 10-15 years older than me who still doesn't have it all together, and I'm sure I'll enjoy the same thing now.

I like to think I am pretty good at that. If someone decided they really wanted to see my breast they could angle themselves the right way and look, but the window of time is very small and most people in the vicinity probably can't see anything. Sometimes my baby does this finicky head wiggle thing where it takes her

My baby wants a blanket over her head while eating about as much as I want one over mine. She screams. No contest.

YESSSSS! Also notable for the "only ten actors in Great Britain" rule—Martin Freeman, Simon Pegg, Nick Frost, that girl who was Dawn on the Office, etc etc etc show up here and there.

Steaming... ooooohhh... *suggestive eyebrow wiggle*

I'm gonna be watching some Alphas, I think. I haven't seen Downton Abbey yet, either, and apparently I don't count as a human being until I watch it.

Yeah, agreed!

Kirk dangled precariously off of crap like five times (six, even?) in the first one. Maybe in this one the peril is always falling rather than dangling?

Sounds more like it's a way you show love. If you platonically love other female and male friends, why not do the same for them? Unless you're doing it to make her 'melty,' which makes it more about romantic affection and you probably should keep that to the gf.