Aw, man, you had to remind me of when I was 13-ish and I got a bladder infection during my dad's side of the family's big Thanksgiving reunion, which involved a ton of people who live on the rather unsavory spectrum (a lot of domestic violence restraining orders, alcoholism, guns, etc). At least I got to leave early?
I'm actually in tears reading this, it is so frickin' hilarious. Happy Thanksgiving!
I watch it on hulu and just scroll through all the scenes without Elizabeth Mitchell. She's the only interesting one for me.
I always forget to try reversing the polarity...
I read all the Ender's Shadow books and my husband went for the Speaker for the Dead, etc. books. I really liked what I read, even though the series has its faults. The husband didn't end up finishing Xenocide—he just wasn't that interested.
Yes, 'twas my first terrified thought. Not that vaginas terrify me, but the whole stretchy-walls-with-protruding-hands-plus-giant-vagina is just all sorts of nightmarish for me.
Not an old wives' tale, just well-supported science. SCIENCE.
I'm betting the delay has had more to do with legal struggles between Dan Harmon (who was UNJUSTLY FIRED) and the network, or perhaps difficulties with the new show runners, than any calculated move to try to get the show more viewers by... pushing back its airing? Yeah, that doesn't really make sense.
I'm pretty sure it's an intentional joke.
I read something that said the best estimates for the percentage of gay/lesbian people in the US population is somewhere between 1.5-3% (no idea if that's true), so I guess that would leave another 2% for bisexual people or those who said 'yes' to the poll being trans, queer, etc and still wanted to be included even…
Because AMERICA!!!!!!!!
See, this is what I've been saying! Jeremy Renner is NOT actually hot... physically. His attitude, his talent, his affect, his sense of humor, his range, his personality—all of these combine to make an incredibly attractive man who is just not too remarkable if you're just looking at his physical appearance. I think…
It's gotta be, like, satire or something, right? Right? A feminist writing advice as if she's not a feminist but pretending to be one in a feminist advice column?
Oh—oh, he IS. I just assume they'll tease us with the original cast doing their thing and then we'll be slapped in the face by the sexy presence of BENEDICT CUMBERBATCH which will make the previous statement meaningless in comparison! *fans self*
I was like, "Wait, I know this one! This is that band, One Direction! ...WTF is Union J?"
Hakuna matata, bitchez!
Ah, I must correct:
Cardigans are the sexiest on ALL body types! Cardigans FTW!
I think Bill Nye is #6