
I think it's just the "forcible" part that is really a problem, since once it worms its way into legislation the whole idea of it is unconsciously (or very consciously) validated in legal and political spheres.

Or you could talk to most of the moms I go to church with. Man, our mom's coffee hour could definitely turn into a Concerned Mom Romney commercial if there weren't a few of us there with opposing opinions.

I never really got why Sarah Michelle Gellar is considered so beautiful. She has the sort of face that just seems normal to me, not particularly beautiful or anything. I suppose I just have a type. Everyone has preferences; it's only a problem when you think that someone who is not your type is objectively not

Aw, now I'm all tempted to write something like that—sci-fi erotica that's NOT a terribly written abusive relationship!

I think it's pointless to try and pretend that clothing is nothing more than a blank, message-less tool for staying warm/keeping sand out of your butt at the beach/etc. Clothing is a form of communication, which is why when the general fashion in society portrays something as a tool for sexiness or increasing

I get the tradition thing of father-daughter and mother-son dances, but what with all the divorces/remarriages/absentee fathers and mothers, etc., I'm not too bothered by the idea of them disappearing. I never ever would have gone to a father-daughter dance with my dad, and I walked my own damn self down the aisle,

I know—none of this would have been a problem if they would have just let the mom come. Sheesh!

Hahaha, yes. Yes. Yes. All true. Except my 2yr-old wants "the square cheese!" not the "stick cheese" and will only use her potty chair as a stalling technique before bedtime. She's definitely my monster. She's my favorite monster. Best monster I've ever had, best thing in my life (besides the husband, in a different

I just went to a wedding where it was all about the complementarianism. A girl sang a song with lyrics like, "The man will lead the woman, and the woman will submit" and crap like that. My husband and I had to try really hard not to laugh and make snotty comments through it. Then we met the bride's dad and he asked

Hear, hear! We tried our darndest to wait until our wedding night, and it just didn't work out. Honestly, I'm pretty friggin' glad. The first time was TERRIBLE. We got much better after that, but man, I am glad I didn't have a sucksville wedding night.


I can't even handle all of the awesomely bad elements they threw in here—evil volcano lair/research facility? On a tropical island—no no, let me clarify, an UNCHARTED tropical island?!? Led by a certain evil Colonel Cencula?!? Alien technology used to build a drone (clone?) army?!? A lone badass female martial arts

This is a really important point: these church-going men are being taught that ANY sexual attraction whatsoever is lust. Lust is evil. Lust is temptation and you're supposed to flee from temptation and lust is the fault of the tempter. You really are expected to not find anyone attractive but your spouse, unless

I got into an argument about this with my best friend, after she had a little fashion revolution and started wearing stuff that wasn't sewn by her mother in the 1970's, and then she felt guilty about it because she was afraid that she was being manipulative by trying to seduce men or whatever. This girl is wearing

Don't pander to me, kid. One tiny crack in the hull and our blood boils in thirteen seconds. Solar flare might crop up, cook us in our seats. And wait'll you're sitting pretty with a case of Andorian shingles, see if you're still so relaxed when your eyeballs are bleeding. Space is disease and danger wrapped in

I look at it like this: give it 2 years for most of the world to die, mostly from disease, conflict, and disruption to agriculture and food and water distribution. Things might stabilize around year 10, with enough people who have steady food, shelter, etc. that death is not an immediate threat. Just cleaning up the

No no no no. You seem to misunderstand some of the fundamentals of entertainment.

From what I remember they explain it by saying that there is no explanation and "physicists were mystified" or whatever. Nothing can hold a charge, I think, so other modes of power generation don't matter. The answer better be magic.

Pop quiz experiment!

It looks like they threw some actors from the OC into an Old West reenactment town. If they'd gotten a group of reasonably smart people to sit down, do some research, and imagine the things that might happen in the 15 years after a failure of all electricity on the planet, I'm sure they could have come up with stuff