Star Trek into Darkness-Dark-of-the-Moon-the-Dark-World-the-Dark-Knight-and-the-Dark-Knight-Rises?
Star Trek into Darkness-Dark-of-the-Moon-the-Dark-World-the-Dark-Knight-and-the-Dark-Knight-Rises?
Ugggghhhh Idris Elba as Bond would be so COOOOOOOOL.
Yeah man, steam punk would have been SUCH a cool route to take this. Trains chugging everywhere, clothes that actually look handmade, people using simple mechanisms to mimic tech they used to have. That would have been so much better than teenagers from the OC visiting an Old West reenactment town.
No. They need to give us a little more of an explanation for all this crap, otherwise it's just insulting. We can suspend disbelief for the Hulk because there is a fabulous grand tradition of silly things like gamma waves creating superheroes, and the cause it far less important than the struggles the character…
Maybe he was a child genius who was hired at age 15 in... 2008. And somehow he got 80 million in the bank through... embezzlement? And so that would make him 34. Yep. That must be it.
I think we were supposed to go, "ooooooh, life without Google!" and get tingles or something. Unfortunately I remember life without the internet, so I felt no tingles.
I don't think anyone is saying in vitro fertilization should be outlawed. This is not a rights issue. And in fact, I think your statement should read: "Everyone has the right to pursue having a child using the means that are medically available and that they can afford." A lot of people can't afford in vitro…
AAAAAAAH that would be awesome! Megashark out of nowhere! Can that be a thing now?
Whaaaaaaat the craaaaaap?!?!? WHY? WHY SO COOL? WHY SO DIFFERENT? I don't even understand!!! So cool.
Re: Revolution, I know, right?!?! What's with the clothes and hair and make-up? Is there a new industry of expert tailors who hand-make all the clothes, including the textiles? If that's the case, why aren't there industries that do things like cleaning up the overgrowth and making living areas all clean and slick…
I couldn't get through the first 5 minutes of the pilot. I'm gonna give it another try, but if they let stuff like that slide it's gonna bother me too much. The idea of this world turning suddenly into one with no power sources is such an interesting one that it will drive me crazy if they interpret it in a lazy way.
Ha ha ha, misleading advertising? What?
*sobs quietly at the sight of Tyler Hoechlin*
Everyone on Teen Wolf is devastatingly gorgeous. It's in their contracts or something. Ugh. Jerks.
What? Seriously, what? What's dangerous or self-righteous about not wanting their underage daughter to date a sex offender? Self-righteous, like they're so proud of themselves for not being sex offenders? What even?
I'm gonna guess that maybe they only send silver with targets who are not their future selves, so the loopers accumulate a ton of silver, and then the final hit is sent back with gold, because maybe they won't know off the bat that the person they're killing is themselves so they need a way to know that it's them and…
The first thing I thought when I watched Joseph G-L in The Dark Knight Rises was, "Holy crap, he's like the next Bruce Willis!" After that I don't even think he would have needed the facial alterations they did for this role. He could've just acted it. BUT I don't really care, I love Bruce Willis and JGL and I will…
My husband gets up with our 2-yr-old at 6-7am, reads her stories, and feeds her breakfast while I get to sleep in until 8. We used to switch off but now I'm preggo and utterly exhausted all the time. Then he either goes to work, or I go to work, and when the working one gets home the non-working one hands the kiddo…
I know, me too. Pretty much the minute my husband gets home it's Daddy Time! He even does most of the housework now that I'm pregnant and exhausted all the time. Women get so screwed over—they're taught it's just the way marriage and parenting works, and then they let it happen. I would NEVER put up with that crap.