
A few thoughts here: Is that Jim Rome’s secret daughter? She’s a little more fiery but the cadence and mannerisms seem familiar. Also when discussing issues of color why do people always end on purple? Why don’t they mention purple people in front of say white or brown people? I think the real victims are the purple

This is the only time reading one of these where the fan posts made me hate the team even more because most of them went on to do what you just made fun of them for.

I was at a pirates cubs game early this season in Pittsburgh. Pretty good seats lower level one section over from behind home plate. Arrieta was pitching. There was a Cubs fan down near the front wearing a mustard yellow blazer that would turn around scream whew and do finger pistols every time Arrieta threw a strike.

The QB of your favorite team should be an idol to a young kid growing up. In no particular order my idol(s) were Rob Johnson, Kelly Holcomb, Washed up Drew Bledsoe, Doug Flutie, Trent Edwards, Todd Collins, Alex Van Pelt, and JP Losman. I can’t wait for this season. Welcome to New Era is based in Buffalo? Field.

When I was a kid my diet revolved around spaghetti o’s with hot dog cut up in it. I have ulcerative colitis and for the first time when reading this I wondered about a correlation.

If Babe Ruth played in the MLB today he would be terrible.

Root sports, the Pittsburgh area sports station showed it from home plate and you could see Josh Harrison and McCutchen who both reacted like they just saw someone die.

God I hate the second amendment and the people that cling to it. I mean if Britain invades I guess we’ll still be able to form armed militias so that’s cool. The militias will be way better too seeing as guns don't shoot once a minute anymore. I bet old George Washington would be proud.

Yeah but if you're buying a 12 pack of bud light you're an idiot. It's cheaper because you can buy 30 for 18-20 dollars which ends up much cheaper per bottle than a craft beer 12 pack.

I'm going to assume that labatt is not sold in your area. But if it is I urge you to get a labatt blue light lime, the superior lime beer.


Dumb spoiler title aside. When Cap crushed Tony’s chest piece I thought for a brief second he had killed him, forgetting that he removed all the shrapnel. That made me realize I wouldn’t have liked it had that been the case especially given the new reason they were fighting. I think we might see a couple characters

This comment is one of the most douche comments I’ve seen on the internet, where people threaten to kill and rape each other on a daily basis. At least people that do that know they're being assholes.

As a Pirates fan this makes me so happy. The Cubs being so good makes me so sad.

While I agree it’s ultimately the “various irresponsible lunatics” that dropped the Republican Party off at the nut house, I do wonder why Trump has gotten so much more buzz this time around. It's like nobody remembers he ran last election and then dropped out super early after getting very little attention.

These articles are jokes right? The future one was a joke and this is a joke? The positive comments are jokes? Right?

I’ve been wondering a lot recently why more people don’t hate Curry. Cam Newton got ripped to shreds this year for doing less of what Curry does. Is it because he’s a second generation nba player? Is it because he went to a nice small darling school? Is it because he won the big one? It it because people are more used

Everybody with a smart phone should be using gametime.

This is hilarious. I only got to when you positively compared him to young thug and realized it was a very long winded parody piece. Excellent stuff.