
You must love gerrymandering then.

Link or GTFO.

That and they're lying about people to do so. So, no, no kudos IMO.

Scalzi does not promote a block of five titles. He promotes individual works, take or leave each of them separately. If the difference is not clear, it is this: the block is specifically looking to block *out* other works that don't meet their criteria.

That "rather silly" exercise is what we refer to as "civilization."

Link please. Scalzi's only ever provided an open thread where anyone eligible could tout their work. If you've got any evidence showing that Scalzi has provided a slate of nominees, pony up.

Our show was one listed on the Sad Puppies slate, and I can tell you that we were not contacted beforehand. Nor were we contacted by Vox Day.

You think 6 nominations for the same dude* is okay? I'd give significant side-eye to ANYONE who had that many nominations, especially in so few categories (Seanen McGuire only managed to get 5 because she also writes very different works under a pseudonym, and that was an extraordinary circumstance). It's not about

Well no, the selection isn't 'fine'. I went into the list without knowing anything about the 'slate' being promoted and it was still very obvious that people were gaming the system. Someone named John C. Wright was nominated for every category they could - the guy shows up 6 different times.

It's a shame that's where things are headed, but you will at least be in the fine company of C.L. Moore. Just taught a couple of her tales in a college class; some of the Lovecraft bros were visibly doing the math when they learned that C is for Catherine...which I had said the previous week, but only about a quarter

Actually, it's about ethics in science fiction awards.

Actually, it's about ethics in...

I personally think it's disgusting this campaign was so successful and I hope the Hugo Awards do more next year to prevent this rigging from happening. People who lose their shit about two women on Korra holding hands or have their boxers in a bunch because women, LGBT and people of color have "invaded" their white,

From a football fan, let me just say that these "churches" are no more different from stadiums. I say that because the NFL is also considered a NPO. Until there exists an actual definition on "non-profit organization" for the IRS, these types of cults will be able to thrive and survive in our country.

How did I know this would be about Ari, the 2nd fiddle to literally the worst people on the planet. When you're waterboy for the likes of Ant Cumia and Joe Rogan, you know something has gone very wrong in your life. Also, your ass. (NSFW link that shows off his 'talent').

Mormons sort of did have their own country - they controlled the Deseret Territory as essentially an independent theocracy (which even had a brief war with the a United States, the Utah War.) They also founded Salt Lake City.

Don't ask how I know this (ugh), but Ari Shaffir is a great friend of Anthony Cumia's, has been on his completely mirthless race-misogyny-n-guns rantfest more than once, and has said he would consider being a kind of 2nd mike on said show if Cumia leaves his Long Island basement (you read that right—he's totally not a

Ari Shaffir is the same guy who said in his act that having cerebral palsy is like being "king of the retards." He's just straight up human garbage and he uses "edgy" tangents with no punchline to try to distract from the fact that he's just not funny.

The author of the Vice article just seems very immature: Numerous relationship partners did not meet your requirements, but you continued the relationship every time? She has vowed to never give another person oral forever. Forever is a long time, girl.

Yes, being a jerk is people's pregoative. But if someone feels they are entitled to being treated a certain way and don't want to treat their SO the same way, that's a big red flag.