I'm actually a cat

Maybe. But “workplace dispute/firing; disgruntled employee gets weapons(including weapons that aren’t commercially available) from car/home; somehow talks wife into coming back and commit mass murder with him”?

At this point, guns has become an entity. Like disease or war or famine.

When Nidal shot up Ft. Hood, liberal media shouted down those who called it radical Islamic terrorism. They were insistent on the “workplace shooting” narrative, going so far as to concoct a medical history of the killer where he was oppressed and psychologically traumatized because of his ethnicity and religion. They

They but bunches of fabric rags, sponges or somtimes even moss in their underwear. We had a TV show where a family lived like in the past for a month. One time one of the teenage daughters held up a giant sheet of fabric with some ties to the camera and then a tampon and simply said “this is progress”.

My big question is always: Periods.

I thank the gods of Gawker Media that Pictorial was saved, because it’s one of the most engaging and interesting sites on the Gawker spectrum, and you do a great job.

Kelly, I thank the gods of Gawker Media that Pictorial was saved, because it’s one of the most engaging and interesting sites on the Gawker spectrum, and you do a great job.

THANK YOU. I had no idea how proper bathroom procedures went about in those times. I’ll never look at gravy boats the same way.

It’s called a bourdaloue, and you use it like so:

I’m more interested in how a proper woman in Victorian times (think Jane Austen novels era) would use a “bathroom” at a guest’s house. Elizabeth and Jane are visiting the Bingleys for tea and cake. Jane feels a rumble, she has to shit and soon. The carriage ride back home is like 2 hours long on bumpy roads. What do?

You shouldn’t feel bad about it, at all (even if the general consensus is that you’re an awful, awful person! bad, millennial! bad!) It’s good that you acknowledge the help you received.

It’s true, I’ll freely admit that. I coasted through two years of art school on my parent’s dime. I bought a house at 22, and part of my closing costs were paid for by my parents. I quit a horrible fucking job at 26 and was able to cash out a CD that had been taken out for me by my grandmother to get through the

I was truly open to hearing that which he had to say. My inclination was belief in Stoya but, in the case that the accusations were not true, I wanted to have an open mind.

i agree it is a good term and makes a lot of sense

That and his mad sewing skills. He made those military jackets they were sporting circa Viva La Vida. Sew on, Chris Martin, sew on.

I think a lot of people have unresolved issues when it it comes to divorce - so even an angelic zen puppy doing everything right would likely still get a lot of derision from people’s projections and lingering disappointment.

Obvi - they didn’t do everything right (as no one does) - but it does seem cool that they

I remember having the conversation with the doctor and embryologist and my husband the morning of that retrieval. We wanted to be practical, we didn’t want to be overly-emotional, but it’s a draining, emotional, expensive (even with insurance coverage!) process. So the doctor said he wanted to freeze on day 1, so that

“EggBanxx” contains two too many x’s to be confused with a legitimate business.

I have no actual opinion on the main point of all of this, but am I the only one grossed out by “EggBanxx”? Was “EggBank” taken? Even just “EggBanx”? Not sexxy enough? We needed two xs? Why do we need to feel like this is an egg bank/strip club?

I recently did IVF. The day of my egg retrieval, I was teetering far too close to the hormone levels that would result in OHSS, so my doctor made the decision that we would fertilize, then freeze immediately, and see what’s up in a month or so when my ovaries were a less scary size.