
Sadly, this and even more violent protests or outright riots are bound to happen as police brazenly continue to profile and slaughter African-Americans and other non-white ethnicities while never getting held accountable for their actions.

These are so good they make me want to see the entire movies this way

Man, I’d love to see all the Ultimas remade for the modern era. But I guess that’s not really possible since EA has such a tight ownership on Origin Systems’ trademarks now that Garriot couldn’t even use “Ultima” for Shroud of the Avatar.

This is a much harder one to call considering the example of what Trump has done in the past and Stephen Miller being a public figure.

And Ad/Script blockers prevent every single one of those.

Yeah swipe based. I didn’t think so at first but in the bar scene of the trailer they clearly show the swipe to establish the connection after lining up the tank demo.

Presumably the boss knows enough about the entry and receipt system that he knows that the server had to have been responsible for the addition to the man’s order despite her protests. I’d hate to think that some other jealous person managed to get the server fired on the spot with either an extremely vindicative

It almost looks like she must have had a rib removed or something to achieve that one picture.

Maybe Florida doesn’t allow non-medical exemptions? Or there just isn’t data because they refuse to collect and report it.

You’d think that this problem would fix itself after that one major outbreak. Otoh, school shooting after school shooting after school shooting doesn’t result in anything being done about gun availability, so maybe I shouldn’t be surprised.

Dear Celebrities/Twitter, there are many unfortunately hateful people in this world. While the masses of your actual fans can appreciate your desire to directly interact with us, it’d be safer for you to employ a filter service aka moderator (particularly if you’re under age). There’s no reason to expose yourself to

iirc MS acquired Moon Studios, so I’d expect Ori 2 to be Xbox/PC exclusive.

Now this is how you do a reveal for a cheesy spinoff of a prized franchise - by announcing something else for the main fanbase at the same time. Nintendo should take notes.

I see nothing wrong with waiting until the ideally best version of a game comes out to play it. More often than not the PC versions of games have unlocked graphical options, mod support, etc that can give you the best possible gaming experience. At least as long as the port isn’t a total piece of junk.

“Why sell interchangeable/customizable system shells when we can force people to buy an entire additional system if they want to collect the fancy designs?” - Nintendo.

If there’s any real problem with coaxium it’s that it’s on Kessel. It’s the “Spice mines of Kessel” not the “Coaxium mines of Kessel”. But spice is an illegal narcotic, and we couldn’t have the hero of the movie making a fortune smuggling a shipment of illegal narcotics in the movie.

The only mention I can ever remember of fuel was in one of the novels describing how an X-Wing at sublight speed guzzled fuel, while it only sipped it at light speed. (Which also potentially throws a giant monkey wrench into TLJ’s whole sublight chase sequence if fuel is somehow used more efficiently at light speed

According to Destructoid, there’s a third party group taking credit for Valve’s actions on Steam. One of those “think of the children” religious/morality extremist groups that believe sex is a sin and everyone is going to go to hell for their dirty thoughts much less what they do in the privacy of their own homes.

@Nebula Capsule - they must have broke the bank on stuffing all that high tech into a soda can, because it sounds like they couldn’t pay a voice actor and had to use a Text 2 Speech engine to do the voice over on their commercial video.

@Nebula Capsule - they must have broke the bank on stuffing all that high tech into a soda can, because it sounds

Well, it’s easier to change the colors up than it is to come up with a new distinct form and appearance, like SS3's huge forehead and porcupine coat hair. Plus it’s way better than going berserker ape in human form.