"My cat Niels the bouncing cat is no more, now I have P-Cat, the Penitent Puss."
"My cat Niels the bouncing cat is no more, now I have P-Cat, the Penitent Puss."
Remember that time your bike was stolen after your seventh birthday party? IT WAS ME BARRY! I WAS THE SOCIO-ECONOMIC CAUSES THAT LED TO HIGHER CRIME RATES IN YOUR AREA!
I'd say that Parks and Recreation improved massively after season 1. Can't really think of any others off the top of my head.
Remember that time you peed your pants in front of your entire school assembly Barry? IT WAS ME! I WAS THAT PEE!
I'd love an episode of Supergirl, Flash or Legends with some combination of Supergirl, Sara, Earth-2 Laurel, Dinah, Amaya, Jessi Quick, Felicity, Caitlin Snow, Iris and maybe Gypsy(all of course dependent on who survives their seasons) hanging out together on a girls night(maybe Iris's Bachelorette/Hen's Night) and…
Coach went out and got some new white friends.
Just like Past-Nick warned Future-Nick back at the start of the show.
I've just watched it five times and I can't work it out either.
I think the last words she says is "…the same."
He watched New Girl the same way I watched Glee.
We both have low blood pressure and needed something cheap to raise it every week. Get a nice good hate-watch going and you can live forever!
Hell since Glee ended I've had heart problems like you'd not believe.
One of the reasons I really liked the ending to Justified was that when Raylan walked out of the office you could hear everyone just moving on like people at an office do when someone leaves, getting ready for the next case and you knew that somewhere out there they would keep working cases, making jokes and weaving…
Handsome Winston.
That last shot, if it was the last ever shot of this strange little show, was fucking perfect.
In his book "The Writers Tale" Russell T Davis(the showrunner on the Doctor Who relaunch for the first four years) said that the worst thing in TV was when someone catches someone doing or saying something innocent but at the wrong second and thinks it's something else and they run out of the room and their partner… …
Netflix don't really make TV shows, they make 15 hour long movies with intermissions you can skip and opening credit montages right after each intermission is over.
Their individual episodes are rarely memorable or noteworthy and most of their shows skim by on the fact that people get caught up in the momentum of the…
It's about 3/4 of how much I estimated Manboss.
I tried to google it. Now my boss and the guy from IT want to talk to me for some reason.
Matchbox 20 Rob Thomas played himself and every character went out of their way to say what a nightmare working with such a demanding diva like Rob Thomas was.
Almost all of those people have been on iZombie as well as Rob Thomas himself(playing Rob Thomas!).
Equating Dredd with Shakespeare is in direct violation of the Zombie Copyright act of Mega City 1, allowing permanent Copyright to exist on all works for any artist who has returned from the dead and currently walks the Earth.
Lego that doesn't quite fit together when the kids play with it, like it is resisting their attempts to create something, then at night it builds copies of some building you've never seen before, really really accurately designed and build and all the minifigs are in pieces on the ground of the sets, covered in red…
April Fools day was hell on 4chan this year, the merged the MLP and Politics boards together, it was the irresistible force and the immovable object colliding in real time.