
Different voice actress(Monica Baccarin in The Flash), so probably a different AI.
Barry Allen made/wrote Gideon in the Flash, Time Masters wrote this one maybe based off of Barry's original notes.

Not only is Daryl bisexual also Maya is bisexual as well.

Even Hawkgirls dialogue is better this season!

WikiLeaks just released a ton of information about the CIA spying on everyone. It is confirmation of the fears of thousands of people worldwide and will likely do damage to the intelligence agency for decades to come.

Well they promised that they'd bring it to Canada if Trump won and that they'd never bring it back, but after the election they were surprisingly silent on it and one person even said that it was just a joke.
Don't expect them to mention it again until 2020.

I didn't like the book, sure it was a lot of fun most of the way through but then that epilogue where the good guys lost in the end was such a let down.
Way to be "edgy" Atwood.

I'm about 90% sure that the season plan had him and Grundy doing stuff for the first half or so and they gutted the storyline because it had bad response from test audiences(which is good because it was squicky as hell). But it means that all the ideas they had for him were cut and in a tightly written serialised

Both those shows were from CBS productions which meant that The CW kept them on longer than others because they have to have a certain amount of CBS stuff on their network after the merger between WB and UPN.

The CW: If Your Show is from CBS then we're contractually obligated to keep it on despite ratings because our WB content load right now is insanely unbalanced.

They're smuggling Maple Syrup into the country from Vancouver!
That's why they film everything there despite it not looking at all like Hawaii!

If the writers get too much of it then they might not supply us with enough having sated themselves at the well of the editing suite.

They look young enough that Archie and his teacher making out squicked the fuck out of the audience badly enough that they cut the storyline dramatically short despite the entire production team really loving the actress playing Grundy.

Archie, Scooby Doo, Wacky Racers and The Flintstones have all had really decent comic book reboots in the last couple of years updating the classic characters and making them fun again.
So I approve this reference.

Batman is always on my Television. I've tried to shoo him away but he just stays perched up there, glowering at me.

This is just step seven of forty-three incredibly convoluted steps in his Tajiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiikistaaaaaaaaaaaan plan.
Step thirty-one involves Rosario Dawson guest starring on Riverdale as The Punisher(they made some almost seemless changes to the character).

Earlier I said it was the Mafia, now I understand that I was mistaken and in no way or form are the legitimate Italian cultural organisations involved in any shady or nefarious dealings.
In unrelated news it is very hard to write using only your nose due to your broken fingers.

Italian Mafia Planet was a totally legit place!

Can you narrow that down for me? I'm guessing the Spiritual Sister show is Once Upon a Time but what is the other one?

No matter what happens Zatanna is doomed to end up with John Constantine.
He's just too much of a cad.

Bones did a season finale reveal where the main bad guy was just some random guy they'd never seen before. It was weird but it made sense.