
Having a boyfriend getting hurt or killed being the motivation for a female character to turn evil just doesn't seem like a thing that makes any sense at all.
Now if it was a girl getting brutally butchered motivating a guy, that makes perfect sense to everyone.

My understanding is that the people on 4chan are planning on a massive LARPing event next year where they all walk around whatever city she is in pretending she is President and trying to see if they can convince her for a day that she's slipped into another timeline where Trump lost.

Everytime Cyborg Superman shows up I keep thinking "they got that actor back for half a scene?" and then realise.
Same thing happens whenever Helena or Krystal show up in Orphan Black.

Comet is Season Three material, unless Comet is Musical Episode Material.
We can only wait and see.

I'm honestly hoping that he helps bring her back from the brink of evil. Having learned a valuable lesson from Siobhan last season.

I call it the Marshall and Lilly effect(from How I Met Your Mother).
The main character can have messy complicated relationship after complicated messy relationship because they can milk the drama for whatever they need and invite new and attractive actresses to guest star every couple of weeks but while doing this

At the start of this season Winn mentioned to Superman that Lex set off the Earthquake in California, so I'd assume some of the story from the first Donner Superman movie happened.
Lena also mentioned that Superman put Lex when she was talking to Clark and Kara.
Also in the same episode Lex Luthor is in Maximum

If he was a Clinton supporter he could have voted several dozen times in that period!

Ask Clinton about how badly Trump supporters can fuck things.

Try finding a review from between November and January that didn't mention Trump and how "this episode speaks to where America is right now."

We don't need to build empathy. We need to build a wall!!
That empathy is just extra crap the contractor tried to sneak into the bill to gouge us.

NBC have spent a fortune trying to make it 1997 again using either Magic or Science.

Jeeves and I aren't talking anymore since my Bonzai Buddy attacked him.


I use it to pay for my DENTAL PLAN!

I just checked on Altavista and there are no other websites.

And afterwards she sends a drone to your house to destroy the evidence.

I love you, in a manly way, for thinking like that. Also don't Jinx this…

He never Banged Amanda Waller either but that wasn't for want of trying.

Interesting thought, his rags are ancient, they should technically exist and function in older times for the Legends to interact with his ancestors.
Could be interesting.