It also stops the aliens coming back to Earth to take more slaves, considering that a lot of the other human slaves have probably been shipped off already to other worlds, where they'll have either horrible suffering or exciting adventures.
It also stops the aliens coming back to Earth to take more slaves, considering that a lot of the other human slaves have probably been shipped off already to other worlds, where they'll have either horrible suffering or exciting adventures.
David Tennant with American Accent and replace him with Matt Smith with a different American Accent halfway through the episode and don't explain it to anyone.
Joe the alien is from a planet with a red sun and now lives on a planet with a yellow sun.
What are the chances he gets some kind of powers but they're actually lame as hell(like being able to make lights slightly flicker as long as the sun is out and changing the flavour of milkshakes)?
I'm kind of wondering if Supergirl "dies" (as heroes do occasionally) if Banshee's powers will go away because her curse is such that she keeps her powers until the person who wronged her is dead.
It was a big rock!
The reality is that J'onn got a shipment of Oreo Cookies that morning and figured that his team could deal with it while he locked himself in his happy room and enjoyed a good morning snack.
I don't know, I do like Colin Hanks TV show Life In Pieces but his dad is James Brolin who is not Tom Hanks(I checked in my Hollywood encyclopaedia under H and B just in case).
Yes, those pesky Jim Crow laws still on the books that resulted in Trump getting a bigger share of the black vote than Romney did.
Wait. He has a middle initial now?
What am I supposed to do with this?
Yeah, but Leslie Jones was the wrong choice to play Mulder.
You ever noticed how much Tom Hanks looks like David Pumpkins?
The key word in that sentence is victory.
More like Saturday Night Dead!
Am I right?
All those protesters were from California?
Yes, that's why it would be a different take on the already stale joke and create a more memorable, less "women suck" punch-line and also show it works in both directions because she'd be also in the friendzone caused by his cluelessness to her affections undercutting the original premise and challenging our ideas…
Finally we're getting people to agree that #BaldwinLifeMatters!
"…There’s nothing more offensive than a lazy, lazy joke."
If she was totally into him and he was just clueless about how much she wanted to bang him it would have been funnier and subverted the entire premise. Making him out to be just an idiot who can't pick up on signals and her out to be a lonely girl who thinks she's in the friendzone at the same time.
Regarding the limited spin-off thing, DC did something similar during the Sinestro Wars, every Green Lantern book was used and the only spin-off that I can recall was one issue of Blue Beetle where he fought Guy Gardner.
Limiting the exposure of these events makes for tighter writing and doesn't mess up everyone else's…
Marvel seriously need a JSA equivalent, some team of older heroes training up younger heroes and working together.
Gets the nostalgia crowds in for their older heroes and brings newer characters into the continuity in an environment where they don't have to be front and centre all the time so they can develop a bit…