
Which Ashmore twin is in this show? The good looking one or the ugly one?

Who's Sasheer Zamata? I've never heard of her.

So you're saying I need to build a time machine?

You have it the wrong way around. Bernie has been doing a Larry David impression since season three of Seinfeld aired. Never breaks character.
Before this he used to talk like Michael Winslow from the Police Academy movies.

That's because the visitors had to sign a waiver consenting to any and all sex with robots before entering the park. So it's technically not rape now.

I was talking about Melissa Benoist.

All the Robins when they stop being dead.

RE: The Return of Bizarro Supergirl, didn't that actress has some huge fight with the network and refuse to come back? She didn't even go to the cast party at the end of the season, it was just Melissa Benoist and the rest of the cast and crew standing there all alone all night.

Stop sending me hate mail, I'm not him! One package was leaking!
-Z.Snyder(Hollywood, SC (pop. 4352))

For a second I thought you were talking about Birds of Prey then I realised you were talking about Arrow.

That's not a Crocodile Dundee Reference in Bart vs. Australia. "I see you've played Knifey Spoony before" that's a Crocodile Dundee Reference in Bart vs. Australia.

That was before math. This is after math.

I thought the same thing about Red Dwarf. Very limited concept(three people on a spaceship with an AI and nothing to do but kill time) and it's been on and off TV for 28 years now.


And Porn VHS's were basically like Porn videos. Except you had to camp in front of your mailbox for weeks in case your mother decided to open your parcel by accident.

Yes, No, Maybe. I don't know.

He was like Abed on Cougartown. He was also on Murphy Brown!

This is why there are no toilets in Star Trek!
Getting ahead of the controversy!

I married her long lost twin who pretended to be her and forged the signature so legally she's my ex-wife and I had nothing to do with vanishing down that sinkhole.
I mean what sinkhole? I've never even been to North Dakota.

Who said that.