A-K Phone book or L-Z Phone book.
Because people who read out L-Z are trash.
A-K Phone book or L-Z Phone book.
Because people who read out L-Z are trash.
The argument between her and the financial guy was amazing because the show wanted to make her out to be in the right but everything he said made so much more sense.
I really liked the show except when they bought back Phil for the last four episodes. He was just a useless character that the show wanted to make into this legend but it came across so lamely and pushed all the other storylines into the background for no good reason.
Ruined an otherwise pretty decent series for me.
Just in case you didn't realise it, that trailer was a comedy one done as a joke. There was a time when re-editing movie trailers to change the tone of a film was a recurring meme on a lot of joke websites and YouTube.
Mass Effect 3 ending wasn't bad it was disappointing. I felt it would have been better if your character just did what it would have done based on your past actions instead of giving you a choice. I played my character as a total renegade, she killed relentlessly anyone in the way, I took the practical option every…
You're just part of the La-li-lu-le-lo, aren't you?
Trying to stop us knowing the truth?
Big one, Almost Famous, I'd never watched a Cameron Crowe movie before and I had no idea what kind of director he was but the trailers made it out to be a comedy and it wasn't. The reviews I read online all gushed about it as well talking about the music and the atmosphere and how cool Crowe's movies usually are.
I think if you watch the "Trailer" for Series 7: The Contenders in the DVDs special features you actually get the missing footage from the last confrontation scene in the movie which in the movie proper(it was shot to look like a reality show) was filmed as a "re-enactment" with new actors and made the TV show which…
The original edit of the movie the Joker is in it a lot more, they cut an insane amount of his scenes to streamline it down to an acceptable length. Now we have to wait for a Directors Cut to see it all.
I liked how they didn't bother making Slipknot look like he was part of the squad and you knew from the very get go he was doomed. Not even half a surprise.
It's very confusing for the DMV when he drives a smart car and it becomes a dumb vehicle.
I took a girl to that movie and she'd not seen the trailers and had no idea what it was about but took it on faith when I told her she'd like it.
She was slightly bored from all the wacky, quirky, hipster stuff at the start and then the first fight happens and she loved every single thing from that moment on.
A great…
You went in expecting a movie and instead you got a film.
Such a bad film. He admits to doing cocaine and other drugs but is most ashamed about the drinking.
I don't care who you are, that was a brilliant move by someone in marketing and it still makes me giggle.
Did you see this trailer by any chance?
The Trailer for Room made me think it was a story about a boy and his mother stuck in a room together and it would be a dreary dull emotional drama. Instead the movie was this insane arthouse production that didn't even have any of the actors from the trailer in it and focused on this guy called Johnny who works in a…
They should call it Saturday Night Dead!
I had it worse because I didn't own the copy of Myst I was playing, it was on a friend of my dad's computer so when I got an idea I had to wait days to find out. It was frustrating as hell.
It did let my imagination run wild trying to work out what would be next.
The puzzles in The Witness are a lot of fun because the game teaches you the basic mechanic for each puzzle type by giving you five increasingly difficult puzzles of that type in the general area(and infuriatingly some of the teaching places like the black/white dots can sometimes lead you to think that your solution…