There’s a free demo of id Software’s excellent Doom revival right now. It was supposed to be removed already, but…
There’s a free demo of id Software’s excellent Doom revival right now. It was supposed to be removed already, but…
You would ban somebody from cycling forever for practicing getting their bike up a 4 inch curb? Harsh.
The DMCA needs to be updated and changed, no doubt about it, but this is the wrong way to go about it. This would have a chilling effect on smaller artists and content creators on YouTube. Hank Green, half of the Vlogbrothers and musician, has been talking about this on his channel and his Twitter for awhile.
Because you can always cancel with retailers for preorders. There is literally nothing stopping people from preordering, getting the code, and then cancel.
I’m not trolling, this is a serious question: how many people here have shot a gun? Pistol? Semi-automatic?
It took a Philadelphia Inquirer reporter seven minutes to purchase an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle, the same “weapon…
THE CALL UP (their caps, not mine) is an upcoming movie about the gamers and the video games and the plot twists and…
Mr. Robot: A hearty helping of Christian Slater
Mr. Robot vs Watch Dogs 2: The Comparison We Had To Make.
In team-based games like League of Legends and Team Fortress 2, and MMOs like World of Warcraft, support… too.
The new Doom is a surprise on multiple levels.
Why is Jezebel reporting on a lame, no-name, local rapper shooting someone equally insignificant and not about the black teenager who was raped by his white teammates?
Once in a while, you hear an old war story that restores your faith in humanity. Usually it involves a moment of…
Rocket League players on Xbox One will soon get a chance to play against PC players, as well. The feature goes live later today at 6:00 pm ET. Though the developer has expressed a desire for matchmaking with PlayStation 4 owners, Sony hasn’t indicated it’s willing to open up PSN.
You know, if you really like a Nintendo-related fan project, don’t post it on Kotaku, because that’s like a hotline to Nintendo’s lawyers ready to push the shutdown button.
I have a hard time caring about supercars unless they’re being used for super-hoonage, so YouTubers bragging about…
So much of Dark Souls is a lonely experience. There are fleeting glimpses of others in the same struggle, but you’re…
Non-compete clauses should be illegal.