sugar pie-honeybuns

“Thought she was being overdramatic”.

coming from a woman who put on a cheerleading costume and got paid for performing at the Super Bowl... those two middle fingers clearly didn't stop you from accepting blood money from the capitalists.

I honestly believe the “establishment” is a term borrowed from the ‘60s that has no relevance now for either Bernie or Hillary. I think Bernie pulled it out of his ass as a rallying cry from days of old. If there is an ‘establishment’ at all, Bernie, per his 30 years of being in Congress, WOULD BE IN IT. That’s it.

But, you are missing the point. Bernie is a white male. Yes, he’s Jewish, and that would be a first and cool and things, but he’s still a white male who has been in politics for years. Further, he ran specifically, via his own words, for the white working class. He said this himself.

No. Being the DNC chair means that he or she is tasked with getting actual Democrats elected by the Democratic Party.

Ok. (1) this notion of rigging is just whitey white white people’s privileged temper tantrum that they might not be able to know what everyone in the world wants. She won by every metric and it isn’t because in May there were emails. Go jerk off to some other fantasy.
(2) the job of the DNC is to position the strongest


Yeah. I really want the DNC to sit around doing fuck all until a newcomer shows up to announce he has a master plan. Which was apparently what these idiots wanted.

Oh FFS. Sanders was not polling with any kind of real support at the time this stuff was written. It’s not unfair to support a strong front runner to try to make sure a Dem gets the nod. You know what Sanders supporters? HRC was also favored early on in 2007/8. You know what, a black man named Barack Hussein Obama

I started crying at my desk when I read this. There is no place a woman is safe. Jo Cox was literally just standing on a public street, outside a library.

This made me cackle like a drunken fool, thank you!

Look, I like a good man and I love a good dick. Sadly, those two things aren’t always attached to each other. “shrugs”

Jesus Christ who said anything about partners, for fucks sake? Can’t a woman just ride the dick for a minute and go?

My commitment to seeing her use all available media to tear Donald Trump back into his constituent individual Cheeto Puffs is unwavering.

Music to my ears, Hillary! <3

Actually what I got is that she’s sincerely excited to endorse another woman.

Fuck yes Elizabeth Warren.

The level of vitriol already being thrown at her on Twitter by people in the Sanders camp calling her a traitor, immoral, corrupt, etc. is beyond. They really don’t give a shit. They’re treating this election like it’s a fucking football game.


It WAS kinda like watching Arya Stark endorse Daenerys Targaryen on Yara Greyjoy’s show.