
Looks good. Just hope it’s shorter than the second one. Felt like they crammed two movies into on with that trip to Cuba 

Weird that he has an app and even weirder is that there’s people actually using it 

I’m confused on the charges. 3 people were killed but he’s being charged with 6 counts?

Hopefully this hits Game Pass soon. Looks interesting 

Wow. Seems like a waste of his talents imo. 

Wait he shoved money into someone’s mouth?! Did he get his ass beat for that ?

I think that was during a music video. Once the cops realized that they let him go

Bidets are dope. But dropping almost 600 on one seems excessive 

Bidets are dope. But dropping almost 600 on one seems excessive 

Dana is such a piece of shit. 

Pizza Hut and Domino’s fills a certain niche here in NYC. A lot of the legit pizzerias don’t stay open as late as them so if you’re up late and have a hankering for pizza you can get your fill. Also they’re relatively inexpensive 

Yeah Rossatron makes some good videos in action movies. 

Wild how that horn just ended up being a cyst. From the way it look I thought it was going to be something more serious 

That 75 dollars probably went to bills or to a medical emergency. Wtf is wrong with these people. 

There has to be something done about all these police unions. They have too much power 

More Blerds on Kotaku please 

Shit just got real

NeNe is the worst. If it isn’t about her she’ll try to make it

I feel the same way. 

Thanks for the list. I’ve was hoping Shadow of Mordor would make it to Game Pass, I always wanted to play it. 

Seems like something a thirsty ex would do