Saw this last night and it does not disappoint. If you’re a fan of the series you’ll definitely like this one
Saw this last night and it does not disappoint. If you’re a fan of the series you’ll definitely like this one
I saw it tonight. It was a blast and Halle was great in it. If you’re a fan of the series you won’t be disappointed
I’ve printed this bad boy out myself. I really wish that Sony would let you play your PSX games on PS4. I’d be playing this right now
Running iOS I don’t see the option to update
This what the 6th Goku in the game ?
Fyre Fest: Woodstock
Yeah that’s what I do. Just pat it dry with a paper towel before I season and cook
I’m glad this ended with him unharmed. When the police are involved with someone going through a mental health episode, it usually ends up with someone dying
I wish it wasn’t always online. I was doing a tower yesterday and got randomly disconnected (thanks optimum) and had to start all over again.
LMAO. That was good
So the augments you get are for single player only?
That’s wild. I’m really only interested in ranked but that is really really wild
Never played UNIST but I have been watching some tourneys of it on the YouTube. Is it out in America? I noticed from the tourneys I watched that they all seem to be using the Japanese version
Best fighting game tutorial belongs to Virtua Figther 4 evolution
They’re gonna get community service and pay a fine.
I think the NRS games are designed with a pad in mind. I normally play other fighters on my stick, but with Mk (and injustice for that matter.) The pad just feels better.
Asos makes good basics as well
Asos makes good basics as well
Cynthia is probably the nicest person on the show. Nene hasnt been a good friend to her at all
Hi Omid. Stop being a fucking troll loser
Yes. That's exactly what they mean.
Yes. That's exactly what they mean.