Apply science to your eyeball for 15 mins and you’ll be right as rain!
Apply science to your eyeball for 15 mins and you’ll be right as rain!
Pretty arbitrary, honestly. Metric is superior for things that require math, but the marking of temperature is just decorative in day to day use.
Has anyone noticed yet how the recent cold snap proves there is no global warming? SCIENCE.
That’s taking things a little far, isn’t it? I wouldn’t assume that about ANYONE.
Bradley is just unfamiliar with gun use. And anyway, who knows what kind of a person the gun haver is? He might love Trump... or worse, crocs.
Sounds borderline LSish. Which is good. It has its own digital overtone though, very Japanese.
Whoa tiger! Has it occurred to you that some people want to talk about having a manual in cars that don’t have them?
So, what's your argument? Or are you just argumentative?
This can’t be the first time you’ve had this conversation...? The argument is over driver involvement/ enjoyment, not speed of shifting. Not one person has ever argued that the stick would be quicker.
At least a cvt!
I love this thing, but I haven't seen the facelifted version in person, so I don't know whether it's as oddly shaped as it appears in pictures. I hope not.
Jesus Christ. What the shit is happening to this site? How many petty articles about Elon Musk do you guys need to get through the day? As if any of you knew what it takes to make something happen. This is a prototype and was hard to do. With more development it will be a lot better, like everything in life. So he…
Cool. Now photoshop it back because NO. I Juan a gladiator the way god intended it.
That’s a funny name. I would have called it a chazzwozzer.
This is dumb because I hate things I'm not into.
Ooo, is this when they tell us we’re not alone? Alien remains?
Please ungray.
I prefer the Chrome Snowflakes’ earlier stuff before they sold out.
Homer straightened them out.