
Fine then. Watch my 49 minute youtube video called “Why feminists are ruining gaming” where I talk about that one girl who didn’t date me that one time. Also, I don’t play video games.


That’s straightist. Straight people have rights too.

Physically capable? Why wouldn't they be?

What the gallery owner seems to be missing is the chasm between the artist’s *legal* obligations to credit the original work, and the artist’s *moral* obligations to credit the original work. What’s effed up about this is that the derivative work isn’t cool because of his dumb grafitti on it, it’s cool because of the


just don’t. I was indifferent to whether she faked this or not but now she’s asking for money it just screams attention wh*ring and it’s so frustrating since it causes real life stories to be not believed.

I call shenanigans.

Um... does anyone notice a particular grammar tic in both the “hate mail” and her response?

How did this make it out of the grays?

I tend not to believe these stories and then am shocked to find out they are real. Recent example: I totally thought Rachel Dolezal story was fake. It's too ridiculous to believe!

If she didn’t comply, the note writer threatened, they’d be forced to “call the police on you.” I don’t know exactly what the police would do in that situation—maybe arrest the yard on charges of being fabulous?—but the letter writer is certain that it would be bad.

What got me was that her blurb on the fundraising page also randomly capitalizes letters and puts words in all caps, like the anonymous note. That makes me more inclined to think that they could have been written by the same person... Maybe I’m just hopeful that there aren’t multiple people in one neighborhood who

There are randomly capitalized letters in both the hate letter and in the lady’s gofundme note. I'm no forensic writing expert but it seems like it could've been written by the same randomly capitalizing hooligan. It’s fishy.

relentlessly gay or just relentlessly tacky?

Yeah maybe I’m just a cynical bitch but I now doubt every story like this one. I blame Upworthy and all those other bullshit social justice spammy sites that people always post on FB (“She was bullied and called names by kids her whole life, what she did next will blow your mind”). Just as I’m kind of sick of the

Sorry that the Internet has made me all jaded, and I hate being the first one saying it, but... is there a proof she didn’t make it all up? The letter sounds a tad over-the-top to me.

You’re so boring. Honestly.

When are we going to start taking these stories with a grain of salt? This smells like such a scam. Do you know how easy it would be to write a little like that? It states the three cliches; “concerned neighbor”, “think of the children” and “I’m an offended Christian.” Come on, now. Really? Really?? I remember a

So wait... she’s not even gay?