I translated it more as he killed a random citizen .. for a sandwich. Thus underlining his sociopathy.
I translated it more as he killed a random citizen .. for a sandwich. Thus underlining his sociopathy.
They totally have that chemistry. I think an offshoot of fanfic will be taking off from that.
I'm glad I wasn't the only one who wanted to see Korra and Asami get better acquainted. :D
It's also on Hulu.
Well said. And it reminded me of this study: http://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Co…
Goofy Movie! And here's your star.
Yes. You are the only one.
That's commendable. An organization that is deemed a good will organization would be ruined if they were found to be holding back information or hesitant to get this guy prosecuted.
"The newspapers are gonna be tough on you and prison is very very hard on people who hurt kids. If you get the opportunity, you should kill yourself." - Rust Cohle, True Detective.
Keep going, this is fun.
And they all could do 100 "pull-ups".
I actually thought it was Jim Carrey.
So... that gif makes me think your reply is complete sarcasm... and now I'm confused because tinafeyismyspiritanimal makes a good point.
Well said. My thoughts exactly!
Thanks for this! Can't wait to finish watching. And now I'll avoid the rest of the comments. :)
I'm still on episode 9, so do we ever find out how Poussey and Crazy Eyes were sent to prison?
Oh i've seen that! Hm, now I remember this part. Masterfully done. I'm not claustrophobic but goddamn this movie made my palms sweat.
What movie is that from?
Killer Penguin
I'd like to think the remains of his head are tied up in a bundle swaddled by the undergarments of the most beautiful Westerosi whores.