
That's not how you row row row your boat.

It's a traditional garb, sure. Peasants wore them made of straw, the more wealthier of felt. If they're in a mariachi band, that makes sense. (traditional garb) If they're working in a field, that makes sense. Fraternity/sorority with rich white kids wearing them? Doesn't make sense.

Fair enough. My point is that I find sombreros, ponchos, mustaches, and signage more offensive than togas. I think because the sombrero/poncho is a stereotypical Mexican image that propagates certain opinions that Mexicans are subservient. Togas, on the other hand, were widely used to identify Roman citizens.

Because it's mainly an offensive and untrue stereotype of an active thriving culture.

No but how is wearing a toga mocking a culture that is, generally speaking, extinct?

I don't see how wearing a toga is making fun of a culture.

One is extinct. (Ancient Romans). While another is still a thriving culture that is being mocked with other paraphernalia...mustaches, offensive signage, weed. (Mexicans)

LOL! Seriously? Toga as racist as a sombrero? Unless it's being racist towards Romans around the 2nd century B.C., I wouldn't even put it in the same category of racist like the sombrero.

While connecting with NetZero.

I'm having issues with it too... I think it's just in Chrome (which is what I'm using).

Whoa man, whoa. Put the camera down. I didn't touch the cheeseburger, I swears!

Yep. Yep. And yep yep yep.

Takei me awayyyy!

Apparently ears were a very nasty thing to reveal in public.

Apparently ears were a very nasty thing to reveal in public.

Gatorade. And bacon or some sort of breakfast sandwich.

I laughed almost as hysterically as the guy in the background. I am not ashamed.

I feel like this is a Key & Peele skit. PLEASE TELL ME IT'S A KEY & PEELE SKIT!

Smile, Edith. Dammit, you always forget to smile!

I'm happy to see the new pope trying to embody these virtues of love and kindness. I do hope it turns the Church into what it's supposed to be: a place of love, service to god and man, and spirituality. I don't consider myself Catholic anymore, mainly for spiritual reasons (or lack thereof?), but it is nice to see the