And remember his elbow pain?
And remember his elbow pain?
Turkey serves only one purpose on Thanksgiving: to be cut and put into a Tupperware so it and generous portions of stuffing, casserole, gravy, cranberry sauce and everything else may be enjoyed between slices of bread the next day. Thanksgiving night turkey is always (even when done “right”) flavorless, dry stomach…
This. His preference for honey-flavored gravel established that any culinary opinions of Marchman’s are merely correct guesses at the eating habits of humans.
Unless they’re an idiot who cannot follow simple directions, you’ll never know it was a salt crust turkey because they’ll have cracked the crust off beforehand.
I think we all more or less understand that not all naked photos are porn, especially ones taken by family of their own kids.
“Now, personally, I wouldn’t take a stand on this issue.”
Question time!
Buffalo chicken pizza, as in any form really, is great.
This. I have no photos of my daughter on my phone. I’ve TAKEN photos of her with the phone, but that shit goes on the PC and gets wiped off the phone ASAP. Don’t need photos of my kid floating around out there with Chinese hackers or some rando who steals my phone one day (this has never happened to me, but based on…
My statement was really more directed at the general unhygienic rather than you.
At the very least, the crotch of your pants is gonna pick up the scent of ballsweat, asssweat and a day’s worth of farts.
You smell like ass. Your friends are too polite to say anything. Sorry, man.
My wife wears the same pants for 2-3 days. I... I just don’t think about it.
To be fair, I’m pretty sure the tardiness is just the excuse they’re using to cover up the fact that they didn’t really vet Hardy before signing him and don’t want to admit it.
Janay: “Ray, your phone is r—”
If Manning is unable to physically perform, Brock’s performance might not matter. Yes, Peyton is Denver’s captain, real head coach and de facto general manager. I don’t think it’s at all impossible that he’ll pull a power play and drag his busted ass back out on the field.
OK ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Dude has had two coaches instantly loathe him from the day they met him, there were multiple reports over the years of Washington players grousing about him, he routinely engages “haters” on social media because he can’t handle criticism, he threw his team under the bus a few times in pressers (the throwing knives…
Exactly. This season did not tank him.