
the sad thing is, he could have argued his point of view in a much more eloquent way, and just goes to show what we were discussing earlier. the new breed of younger gays who think they know better because they read a lot of books. playing victim in a comment section where there was actually intelligent discussion

you just read the fuck outta his argument.

totally, its not quite in context with our discussion but i can see where he was trying to go with it...kinda.

eat a bag of dicks. dont put words in my mouth. the subject is too broad to cover in a comment section . this is a topic of discussion that has been coming up quite a bit lately, and if you actually knew me, you would find im quite educated on the subject from both sides. im portuguese and mexican, so im quite

amen, sister...

we have come a very long way, and all these wonderful comments, yours included, have given me hope and made my spirit feel some comfort. thanks for educating yourself on lgbtq civil rights. i hope more people take the time to even just read a quick article about gay culture. thanks again for your thoughts.

also, i meant stonewall riots not rights! doh! my bad! i got angry/excited and then my weed kicked in, which makes me not so good at spelling. what a maroon....

it most certainly is annoying. i think the gay community in general has a lot of learning to do when it comes to gay men and misogyny towards women.

my hope is because of people like you, the gay community wont lose its history and culture. either way, its important for ANY/EVERY group of people to know and understand what came before them, and what the sacrifice was.

you give me hope for ur generation kid! thanks for that!

im a big ol homo, but i had to resist the urge to gay bash him whilst watching the video. the sad thing is that he seems like a lot of young gay boys i meet nowadays. the even sadder thing is they dont even know what the stonewall rights were.

im so sorry for ur loss.

im with your initial thought and opinion, but surgically enhanced is really pushing it. she has always had a big but, and has even had it x rayed live. either way, it comes across as body shaming and im not down.

this is the best thing i have ever seen.

totally gonna watch this. thanks!



depends on who you are and what u do. she is famous on broadway and in the gay community, as well as in the jazz community in nyc. she has several cd's out and even has a best of. while ur random hetero prolly isnt too familiar with her, she is def famous and has a following.


totally agree. i enjoy some of her songs, but she seems to have made a career out of selfishness that her ego tells her to defend in the worst possible ways.