someone on the internet

lolwut, the format of “let’s have a panel of kids and show them stuff to see their funny reactions” is older than youtube. Here in Spain I remember stuff like that from like, at least 10 or even 15 years ago.

I kinda liked Loot Crate and Loot Anime hen I tried it, but I ended up liking maybe 1 thing out of the box, and it never really felt worth it. It’s kinda cool just, but still it just turns into clutter.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance is a bastardization of the greatness that came before it.

I disagree wholeheartedly, but to each their own.

So I take it someone from Marvel HQ is unconformable with the idea of having a main character not be white then, given how just about every mainstay Marvel character is always white (only one I can think of is Spiderman but they killed off the black version as I recall and he was also only ever the ‘alternate universe

Wait, how was the game catering too much to hardcores? It’s not like there was any huge benefit to playing in HC mode.

Mob mentality took a hold of you quickly

Doing anything against a high and mighty ‘publisher’s/developer’s’ wishes is great though. It’s got them blacklisted by Bethesda for doing their job. Bethesda are pricks for that.

If it were just Kotaku, that would be one thing. But a lot of people have been expressing disappointment. I bought it on launch day, and I find the game to be uninspired and uninteresting. And I loved Fallout 3.

Or we could call it “people sometimes make mistakes.” But whatever you need to do to justify your opinion on a game being “correct,” rather than one interpretation of an experience works for me, brother.

Wait, story isn’t what matters in games? Maybe for you, captain, but plenty of people prefer a good story over gameplay.

I wouldn’t say it’s a bad game, but I would say it’s definitely a bad Fallout game, if by Fallout game we mean a post-apocalyptic wasteland where our actions have consequences, characters are developed, and competing ideologies fully fleshed out.

It’s also been a month or two since I’ve bothered loading the game up; I misremembered the stone for which the city was named (and obviously confused it with The Wizard of Oz). Editing post now to fix, but trust me, I’ve shot my fair share of raiders, settlement threats, and rad roaches.

I’m not really sure it was Bethesda’s treatment of Kotaku that begat this reaction, though. I mean, it’s possible there’s a bit of an axe to grind here, but plenty of folks who played the game independent of having read Kotaku’s coverage (myself included) found the game to be decidedly, “meh.”

It’s not a bad game. It’s

My wife bought Fallout 4 for me as an early Christmas gift.

I was as impatient as I’ve ever been waiting for Steam to finish downloading it (we live in the southern US, in a rural part of our home state, and our connection sucks). I booted the game up, started playing—and initially, was enjoying myself.

I’m about 22

Always pre order from gamestop online. Select ship to store. You are never charged and if you dont want the game, never pick it up.