someone on the internet

I’m not sure how much farther ahead the manga is from the show (I haven’t read it) but so far it’s just such an adorable and funny story.

Of course you can be sexy without being considered conventionally attractive. Attractiveness is highly subjective. Like my sister finds her husband super sexy but he isn’t conventionally attractive by any stretch of the imagination. (Sorry sibling) .

Who at Gizmodo thinks that suspending a 7 year old for making a Pop-Tart resemble a gun? No one? You’re just talking out of your ass? Ok then.

My knife... a deadly weapon... I’m using it to slice my children... into smaller pieces.

Where are the people who found that incident perfectly acceptable? The “Pop Tart gun” incident was universally panned. So is this.

The same police statement points out that the clock “could reasonably be mistaken as a device if left in a bathroom or under a car.”

My Love Story!! (Ore Monogatari!!)
thats where your gif comes from.

To be fair, there were Arabic numberals on the clock....

poor grammar nazi. this must really piss you off, huh? i bet you twitch and spaz a bit every time someoneee misspells a werd tew.

“Black skin and a Muslim name? Holy shit, this 14-year-old is clearly doing nothing but breaking the law 100% of the time. He is obviously not only a Jihadist Derka-Derka boy, but probably also deals crack and shoots people from his low-rider ‘64 Impala on his way to and from his radicalized Mosque”

I hated 300, both the movie and the film, mostly because it’s just Frank Miller’s fascist wet dream. I mean, it’s essentially the story of a fascist state fighting a, for the time, fairly liberal monarchy and we are supposed to sympathize with the former while the later is painted as racist caricatures. 300 is best

Actually, if I might interject, the opposite of Three Hundred is actually Kieron Gillen’s Three.

This is true, but have you considered that might have to do with the fact that way more men in heterosexual relationships have orgasms during sexy times than women do? We have to get our kicks somehow.

I will always always always star the eagle boner.

For the Defiled Watchdog have good poison resistance and to make the Defiled Amygdala fight a joke, stay under him at all times, just make sure to dodge it’s stomp, it will take a while to kill it but you can keep it in a almost infinite jumping loop, I found that out after the bastard had killed me like 10 times,

Doc in the southwest who deals with this a fair amount here.

I think part of Obama’s problem in office has been that he hasn’t been liberal enough for the lefties that voted for him with so much enthusiasm in 08.

CA Governor Jerry Brown was also trying to reach out to those that disagree with him (and smack them for their willful ignorance):