someone on the internet

Slow news day? I just wish they’d covered Germany suspending Schengen due to the number of refugees - it matters a lot more than this (or even Corbyn).

Uber: Find Out Why Your Mom Was Right About Getting Into Cars With Strangers!

Another day, another uber fuck up.

Wow. Defending Uber is important work.

They didn’t hit the required number of positive Apple articles over the last year. The Verge on the other hand has front row seats and backstage passes.

Probably because Gizmodo will take any underwhelming news and run with it instead of sugar coating a letdown of a conference.

That’s anot anorexic. That’s just an impossible body shape

No, my girlfriend splits the bill like a regular functioning adult 👍🏻

Hardcore pirate from a landlocked country.

i fix it a little :)

Damn you Dio!

This is a B.S. argument. She had every right to file a lawsuit claiming negligence that didn’t mention race as the reason she was seeking damages. She CHOSE to make the baby’s race the reason she sought damages. She CHOSE to analogize being born bi-racial as equivalent to a birth defect.

The sperm bank should definitely be accountable for giving her the wrong sperm HOWEVER, her reasoning was not just to have the same father.

‘I don’t wanna raise a negro child! Don’t you know how shitty their lives are?!’-horrible white person who sued a sperm bank over a healthy child

If that kid ever googles....

I believe I implied the opposite. Most Chinese people have great respect for America (the Chinese word for America means “beautiful country”), but are fearful of our military might and cultural hegemony and it’s impact on traditional Chinese culture. The assholes in charge fan those fears to create division.

has brought

I would have liked a nomination for Warren Ellis’ Moon Knight run as well. It brought back the classic ‘one and done’ format of single-issue stories in a brilliant way, re-invented and re-invigorated a classic underappreciated character, and had some of the best writing and art I’ve seen in comics in years.