someone on the internet

“These are people who have good case where relief is available and they still think the world is ending,” Guerra says. “Which is reasonable with what they’ve been seeing on the news. There’s so much anxiety and fear for the children. It’s a different world for them today.”

As people begin to believe in something, they eventually force the government to change. The government then has to act in response. Laws are changed. This is how a democracy works. In a dictatorship, or a more directly controlled establishment, it does not. In those the people eventually revolt or are liberated

America never had “goodness”. We are an imperialist nation that has been fucking up this work in the name of our supremacy. I for one am glad that people in the US are finally seeing ourselves for what we really are.

Holy crap. You must live in a fantasy world. All those are happening already. A Hillary presidency would only make it worse. Well, except for reproductive rights.

Snackatu review plz.


Fail for not having a necropotence deck.

Liked and lol’d.

Please go bankrupt. She is not the amazing feminist that she is making herself out to be.


I’d put up The Rock.

ADL is a zionist organization. I would rather vote ACLU.

No one forgot that Bush lied. But to say that Clinton has her hands clean is idiotic.

But Clinton voted for the Iraq War...

Abolish handegg

You mean MS Paint?

I would rather get rid of primaries.

Remember, it’s a game.

God I hated White Samurai...

nostalgia x9999