This is your 30 something Mustang icon. And a very sweet one at that. However, for those who are nearly dead, this is the quintessential:
This is your 30 something Mustang icon. And a very sweet one at that. However, for those who are nearly dead, this is the quintessential:
This will:
Less is more.
I prefer mine sprinkly:
Here are many, many more photos of the restoration:
Actually the Enterprise was quite tiny. And vulnerable to candle light.
Set your puns on stun, gentlemen.
Only Kirk controls the Enterprise destruct order.......
Explain this perfection:
Heavenly Father. His work. Proof.
“Second Earth.” 5 Kinja stars if I could. Thank you.
I’m afraid Fear of Ferrorism (FOF) is winning the war on terrorism. This will not be the last of these events. Innocent will be smashed by FOF.
Does anyone know the music? Not listed in credits in YouTube. Thank you.
Fusty - stubbornly conservative or old-fashioned; fogyish. [As used in this case.]
They are but collateral damage in the vile Yankee War Against Christendom and Christmas.
You are blessed to have lived in places wholly contained within the United States of America.
Thanks, Obama.