Conti composed a quintessential movie theme.
Conti composed a quintessential movie theme.
Gordon Cooper: “Who was the best pilot I ever saw? Well, uh, you’re lookin’ at ‘im.”
“I tell you, we got two categories of pilots around here. We got your prime pilots that get all the hot planes, and we got your pud-knockers who dream about getting the hot planes. Now what are you two pud-knockers gonna have [to drink]? Huh?”
Death leads to immortality. Le Mans. 1998.
Some critics suggested soon after release it deserved an Academy Award for best ensemble cast. Of course, such award did and does not exist. But you are correct. Stunning performances.
No cgi for the X-1 scenes. Small models of the orange rocket plane were fired along clothes-line like wires to simulate high speed flight. Or so I read decades ago. Great movie.
Bingo. From the Tom Wolfe book of the same name.
Saw this in a large screen theater when first released. A perfect film for a pudknocker like me.
Is shame still eating at your innards?
Pit stop - 2003 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix.
No worries. Generation Y has the situation well in hand. Office work is now back to expected business standards.
Oh, they’ll be full for sure. Aliyev will see to that. “You vill attend!”
Because they could give a shit about the race. Probably watching Le Mans on the FIA world feed. I was. And happy for it.
As the planet cooked, arch rivals fought for the last habitable refugia.
And so ye shall receive. Part 2.
You are correct.
Sure beats spending Thanksgiving at the in-laws.
Fact. Fact. Facts. All being spouted left and right and backwards. I guess it is like any business endeavor. The owners of the business (Automobile Club de l’Ouest (ACO) get to run it. Just as my local McDonald’s is run by the franchise holder. That’s the way it goes. So all the arguments and sour grapes spewed out…