
it doesn’t though, you are prioritizing one over the other when they’re both dumb

if you look closely you can see the market value dragging along the floor

y not both

not like those fake artists that push ideas to the side when hit

BS, the button doesn’t do a damn thing. But if you’re pressing it you’re not jay walking.

I can’t have blow and hoes on my Yacht after retirement? I’m sorry I thought this was America

that guys brother disagrees

and a winch couldn’t be used...why?

at what point does it stop being towed and start being dragged.

why should she be happy with subpar effort?

its blocked here

pretty sure cars work the same way in every country

This is the dumbest thing I've read today and it's 9am

if it lasts for decades its not a bubble

Now, as I play BG3 I’m being pretty strict with myself about allowing things to play out as the dice fall

Miranda modelled after a real person, I’m sure recognition skewed the numbers too

lil Wayne isn’t a mumble rapper