Can i just play 1 round without crashing? please?
Can i just play 1 round without crashing? please?
an artist isn’t the style or product they output, its the creativity they bring to the table. AI generated art literally cannot replace that.
by your definition its art. Humans prompt the AI generation, its not automated
i think my minimum at work is 7 tabs, it jumps from there as i’m researching stuff
we should give this kid a reality show and follow him around 24/7. watch him flounder
who was the lady in the yellow kimono looking dress, i want to see more of that
lets start a petition to have Charles Martinet dub the movie
this is good context. I’m willing to bet part of the problem is if they decided to support it but in the future Nintendo decides to pull out the tournament wouldn’t end. So they killed it in favor of going with Panda which didn’t have a preexisting tourney to worry about.
that doesn’t make sense. If Nintendo is handing out the licensing how is a 3rd party going to pressure them into anything. If anything SWT already has the track record of having a successful business strategy
Nintendo invited them to get a license and then they failed to get one? something doesn’t add up
+1 for secret world, it was a weird and wonderful game
you know, I saw the red underline and I was like, eeh it looks fine to me?
“I already knew that ...”
60 rounds? bruh with how often i reload i’d never reach the bottom of that magazine
it’s kinda sorta 3 lane? street, corridor side street?
have several seats, no one was attacking you.
What car logo is Kin?
they can take my Karby from my cold, dead hands
lol, you mean the art you deliberately went out of your way to acquire and setup? how the hell is is causing “confusion”