
because the headline is misleading? i didn’t think this needed explaining.

as a life long fan of the cod franchise, i really dgaf about the characters and their pinups

i mean, they kick balls real good so...

whats he going to do about the rising avocado toast prices?

its not cosmetic, they give you cards, which i find problematic.

yes, you’ve defined concept

halflife3 confirmed

not at all what I was referring to but i’m glad you didn’t hurt yourself jumping to those conclusions 


Not from him, from Square

empty gestures are empty

they charge per keystroke

what was the point of spending all that money just to shutdown the studio? i don’t get it

since we’re on topic, I was looking for ray tracing settings since i finally have the hardware to pull it off, but there doesn’t seem to be any?

what the fuck are you talking about my guy. you made a false statement I corrected it.

the NY DA is the only office to bring charger against Trump

inb4 Palmer luckey

How is there not a single Toyota

thats like asking why watch Miata racing when F1 is faster.