MSRP is 220, about the price of a new console, so, everything checks out. I don’t understand the problem.
MSRP is 220, about the price of a new console, so, everything checks out. I don’t understand the problem.
why are they changing tournament rules DURING the tournament? what the fuck? just fix whatever the problem is after the fact
your wii, 3ds, gba, pc combined are more than $900 so yes, no shit you’re not missing much, you’ve spent more to achieve the same.
wow what a noob. I’ve been doing my taxes with it.
I only have one question: Where’s the Kotaku Fish?
pretty sure all of florida has the same abysmal state gvmt
Once he stopped shooting he stopped being a threat,
We’ve played very different games
TIL these guys are still alive
i’m one of those dumb americans i guess? whats the correlation? the fact we’re not importing the fraction we used to from russia any more?
on the presence of humor not the punch line...common bro
the real joke is thinking someone asked your opinion on it
I don’t mind the autostop at all. if it helps the environment in some way then so be it. It’s nice to sit quiet at a stop light soemtimes
you’ve beaten this joke to within inches of its life. Are you proud of yourself?
checks for presence of weiner
it released on all platforms same day
what war have democrats kicked off?
he could eat a baby on camera and they’d be arguing about sauces
the pc/ps4 game?