
i couldn’t watch a stream of this for long. its so...tone deaf? is that the term?

BMW made the Supra

i once saw an orange SI with VTMN-C tags, i lold

im normally a big fan of tactical shooters, but watching some videos it’s a little too close to home for me. People giggling when they light up a civilian by mistake and restart the level, it just treats the entire situation like a joke. Younger me would of lol’d and kept it moving, now I can’t even look at it.

that won’t be too hard, the only ubi game i’ve bought recently was the mario rabbids and i’ve had my fill.

he’s amazing!

“At some point,” Woodley admitted. “You’ve got to start putting some respect on Jake’s name.”

and they’re just rebroadcasting whatever is on prime video?

i need a zoomer to explain this to me. what is an amazon prime video channel? it streamed prime videos? who are these people? part of the stream or the show streaming?

Why did Eddie disappear but that drop of symbiote stay?


i’d like a black knight-esque game where you get to explore how far back racism really runs throughout societies time periods. a black character befriending elves in dragon age because they’re also subjects of racism would make for interesting dynamics

im not sure what you mean by its a harder game? without the resource management its way more simplified. WiC is way easier to play than coh

oh is it? hard to tell. im in then

why’s boomerang so fast? affected by whatever braniac is up to maybe?

Prequel era? wtf why?

Luke isn’t even born yet, Uncle Owen jumping the gun

the entire state is the middle of nowhere

what else are you goin to do while not driving down the highway

wtf is Bill