
I think the headline is severely overestimating the runtime of either movie

Christ, this is why you don’t let engineers design cases

that depends, do you want your games to just run? accurate af like your consoles door do you like messing with emulators and their myriad of settings and tweaks. Theres no wrong way its whatever your goal is.

Gotta go fast?

Gotta go fast?

you don’t need one

shouldn’t UAC prompt you for install?

who the fuck are you tell someone what house they can buy?

“I’m about to end this mands whole career”

who is we. whats wrong with this house? where you gonna buy it

a transmission doesn’t a nismo make

I’m glad he was able to buy a house, I hope everyone else does too. The End.

2 weeks in the unranked playlist, and you should be so lucky!

Im sorry, bakamoichigei caught my meaning, i should of been clearer. When did the US become so unbearably hostile. It's embrassasing

This is the tamest harassment I’ve ever heard of. Meanwhile in the US, There’s streamers getting shot at and homes set on fire.

royalties and salary isn’t the same thing.

im in there, Since my office won’t install an electric charger I was seriously considering the TLX instead. But this news changes everything.

Tons, lookup the ergo dox for example. The Reddit board has other examples as well

then we are destined to battle to the end of time.


I too am single and unemployed