
Yup, definitely. I took time off of real life to go on a working holiday in Australia for what turned into two years, and I would get a bit cranky when friends back home told me they were really jealous because that's something they could never afford to do. When I knew they could definitely have afforded it. They

That's actually a really good idea! But what would you do in case of an emergency while you were out?

Yeah, being a lazy, godless slut is pretty much my number one reason. Sex! Now! More please!

I also think it's idiotic. Do they really think that God would care? It's a football game. A high school football game.

That is my favorite gif of all time! I read so many comments and was waiting for it to come up. Seriously, I actually was yelling at my computer asking where my octopus gif was.

"We could not talk or talk forever and still find things to not talk about. "

Or a food baby. That's the only kind I plan to get!

Mmm... biscuits...

No kidding, I couldn't even finish reading that interview. If he thinks that sitcoms are the "lowest form" of television and would rather go do movies because it's all about the money, then GO! Oh that's right, no one else wants to hire him!

Trust me, it will be worth it!

Seriously. WHO WEARS THAT SHIT?! How do designers make money when they make things that maybe five people will wear?

You've given me a new celebrity crush.

Nice douchey move by him, he feels bad so he tries to make himself feel better by "coming clean" and making you feel worse! If you're already broken up, do you really want to know if they cheated on you?

Oh, dillhole. I don't think that word is used enough anymore. What a great word.

You win the internets!

I LOVE going to the movies alone! Sadly, until there is a plethora of assigned seating here in Canada I doubt I'll go by myself that much. Having to get there early to get a good seat by myself cramps my style. And my need to pee.

I went to her on twitter for the first time and squealed when I saw that there was a Buffy quote. I think she's my new favorite person.

Whelp, got my absentee ballot via email over the weekend. Screw you Mitt!

To me, he's like an adorable puppy that I want to protect. Seeing video of him eliminates any sexual feelings I may have had for him, but I think it triggers my nuturing instincts. Like a puppy.

SNAPPED HER TAILBONE?! I... didn't know that could happen. How soon can I get myself sterilized?