
SNAPPED HER TAILBONE?! I... didn't know that could happen. How soon can I get myself sterilized?

I would say yes. I get really annoyed with people who always say that we should meet up and then never plan anything. No action! I like action plans, personally. Especially because it's not like you can invite yourself over.

Yes, I feel like right now while I'm in a life transition, it will be difficult to find a guy that would take me seriously. That I won't be seen as long-term potential because while I am planning on settling down, I'm not there yet. Once I am settled and have a permanent job I'll be seen as less of a gamble.

Totally. I remember that one because at one point they thought that the woman had gotten pregnant through dry humping. I was all like, "Lalalala THAT CAN'T HAPPEN PLEASE!!"

Definitely report it to the cab company and the police. The police may not be able to do much about it, but at least there will be a report. You don't know if the company will actually do much about it, but they may take it seriously. At least the information will be out there and it could help to stop it happening

AND smaller dicks can be better for anal. If you're bigger than average? Hell no! If you're average? We can try, but I make no promises.

I love Jenny Johnson! Her and various others in Tweet Beat is what made me join Twitter. I mostly just follow funny people.

But... that one is my favorite! Although yes, mostly used to type-flirt. Otherwise yes, people may not know that I'm joking. Commonly used in online dating messages. These people don't know me and may not recognize that I'm kidding, but I don't want to hide my sense of humour because they might take it the wrong


I did a similar thing with our class chinchilla in junior high. And all the kids of course knew about. I got teased mercilessly for it, people saying that I did it on purpose and such. I don't think I've gotten over it yet.


I've been groped by a random woman on the street as well. I think that sometimes they think it's okay because they're female. Same reason that women in strip clubs can be more handsy than the men and will try to get away with more. They think because they're women, it's different.

Yeah I hate that question. Everyone's circumstances are different. I haven't had many committed relationships and have traveled a lot, so my number is quite high. But if someone asks, and really really wants an answer, I will tell the truth. But I probably won't show them the list.

Me too. When people are shocked at my number I remind them that I've probably actually had sex fewer times than them, it's just that I have fewer repeats. I am learning how to recycle though. I hear it's good for the environment.

Gives me hope! It's bizarre how people are so judged by the number. I'm not into triples yet but I'm sure I will get there eventually. I plan to have some sort of celebration.

I keep a list. I want to remember!

Stealing this.

Bazinga! Sorry so late to the party.

I've had at least one that I couldn't understand very well. I find I have a much harder time understanding accents over the phone rather than in person.

That's actually trying to teach someone a lesson, so that maybe they won't be such a prick the next time! It has value.