
My exact thoughts on these.

Very interesting. The top few cars I’m looking at are an S3, a BMW 3'er Wagon, or an Allroad. Or a Jag XE. Ugh. There are too many interesting cars.

This is so fucking rad. 

The Instant Pot is primarily an electric pressure cooker. It does a shitty enough job of being a regular slow cooker that I also kept my old one, but I live a life where I am a king of cabinet space. 

I’m on the hunt for a CPO vehicle around the end of this year. Who, in your estimation, offers the best CPO package for a mid-size sports sedan?

Butt is too melty. 

When I was in law school, someone laid out a very convincing and well-researched argument against the death penalty, based entirely off economics. I don’t do any criminal work, but the appellate process for death cases is substantial and expensive, both in terms of appointed attorneys and the Court costs themselves.

Yup! It was Lion King 1 1/2. 

Sounds good to me. Gotta finish Path C in Nier and then I can move further down my list of things to catch up on. The real question becomes whether I do Persona 5 or Yakuza 0 first. 

Money won’t fix what happened to them, but presumably as a medical professional he has malpractice insurance and the university has a variety of policies that might apply. I’m sure there are lots of attorneys out there putting together class action suits against all of these, and the various gymnastic associations who

My PS3 bit the dust, so I’m PS4 only. Can I skip 4? 

If I’ve never played a Yakuza, can I start with 6? Should I play 0? Can I do 0, then 6? There sure are a lot of these games. 

Since he lives in the car, technically he’s using the paychecks to pay for shelter.

There’s a still shot, no video of it. 

Make sure you know which KitchenAid you want. This one is great for small batches of cookies and the like, but really can’t handle any stiff bread or pasta doughs. 

Make sure you know which KitchenAid you want. This one is great for small batches of cookies and the like, but

You’d need some pretty strong justification and a whole lot of luck to get that liberal of a read of the commerce clause to put a law in place preventing states from doing this. I’d expect it’d come out on the “unconstitutional” side of the fence. 

Well. Is Hammond going to pour water in this one then? 

I unabashedly love Moon Pie’s Twitter presence, and I think Twitter is generally a force of evil.