
I loled.

I am immediately suspicious of anyone who highlights someone's oppressed status to call out another's bigotry. You see it all the time with black and brown men being called particularly misogynistic or homophobic or lesbians being called particularly biphobic or trabsphobic.

I'm sorry but I still can't with this and I hate that this argument gets so much sympathy in feminist spaces. (I hope) Most feminists would be horrified if I said I was going to call some men the n-word because black men had been misogynistic towards me and use the word bitch a lot, for instance. Because, just like

That's what I thought. So even in the analogy where she is allowed to reclaim f——— as an LGBTQ person she's using it specifically and exclusively in a derogatory way that pro-reclamation people would find offensive.

Yes, gay men can do sexist things, that is not my argument, but:

Not only that, but I get the impression that most black people who believe in reclaiming the n-word are not reclaiming it exclusively to mean "bad" black people. And that most would take issue with reclaiming it in that way (and I know many take issue with reclaiming it at all, though that is not my argument to make).

I mean yes but no. Gay men can be more misogynistic than straight men but as a group they are not. Straight men still hold the most power to police women and gay men's sexuality and while we should call out every instance of misogyny by gay men, we shouldn't forget that, ultimately, the power to enforce current gender

No, it just doesn't mean much in terms of whether Mumford & Sons in good or not. I mean clearly other professional musicians appreciate them considering their success and critical acclaim. Call it a difference among experts or whatever.

Because they are different disciplines and there isn't a 1 to 1 transfer on how disciplines are evaluated. Many aspects of art are completely subjective, for starters.

Haha okay. We all use our knowledge and experience to inform our opinions. I'm just amused you think that statement means anything on the internet.

Yeah, her narcissistic comments just make her sound like most other artists of her caliber and considering the shit she must have dealt with in this male dominated industry, they make me smile.

WATCH OUT! We've got a professional musician up in here.

Okay now I am tempted to see this.

Majority of the dudes I've been with have put their underwear back on directly after to avoid having the semen that is still in their urethra dribble onto the sheets as their dick... contracts? deflates? Don't know the terminology.

James Franco has a pretty big market with very young girls who think he's some dreamy artist (which is why this partnership with Lana Del Ray is smart) but otherwise you're pretty spot on.

So this will essentially be like the NC-17 version that isn't getting a theatrical release in the US but will almost certainly be distributed by DVD/Blu-ray/online digital nonetheless? With an almost equivalent rating.

You can ignore my response to you, sorry for piling on.

I mean if we can accept a fetus and a baby/child are different entities, why can't we accept a person might be differently committed to one over the other? Unless we want to judge the fitness of any parent on whether they considered aborting.

True, but the amount of discord and general shittiness there would be at that point would also be a pretty big bummer for the economy.

I'm not sure I want a bunch of economic conservatives dragging the democrats further to the center. Most people aren't one issue votes (and oddly enough, the handful of one issue voters I know are anti-abortion women).