
I'm not saying this to accuse anyone in particular or to make you paranoid because I think it is likely this guy's familiarity with GT is only limited, but do you feel raffey is the only one who had stories that seemed strange/probably false?

While I don't necessarily agree that it was a regular, I know very little of how the emergency fund works so his lack of knowledge is not necessarily an indicator of whether he is a community member.

I hope none of my friends or family read Deadspin comments because I'm stealing this.

Not arguing which country is better for LGBTQ rights since I am straight and have no informed say in the matter, but both major US parties have openly gay members that have held office as well.

Umm I don't have an answer to your question but asking that question into the internet abyss and hoping to get approval (or disapproval I suppose) from a "black friend" for something you say seems like a not very good way of educating yourself.

I thought pumpkin spice was a white person thing. Have you now claimed all pumpkins for white people? A good portion of Asia will be disappointed.

Yes, you guessed correctly.

I was only talking about GGers (not gamers in general) and their opponents. I've not seen the level of death threats (or any at all but I won't say it hasn't happened ever) hurled at them as has been their mostly women/feminist opponents. I hear their opponents call them misogynists, which whether it is true or not

A select group of people saying "This group of people has a lot of jerks" versus a select group of people saying "I am going to rape and murder members of this group."

nevermind. Misread.

I think The Simpsoms is probably what cemented the the fact that cartoons weren't just for kids into society.

I agree that the sharing of the comment was idiotic, but the OP didn't share his own comment, someone else did. I think this comment is alright as an FYI comment for those that don't know a lot about how insurance and medication works *raises hand*. I don't think it's relevant to GT, but that isn't the poster's

You know I like you tons so I'm not trying to be a jerk... but I think that is kind of uncalled for. This is actually a comment about boner pills on a story about boner pills.

This exchange reminded me of the "guy who killed Hitler" meme.

Yeah, I agree. And there is still plenty about her message to criticize (as was done in the article) without going on the attack for her not calling herself a feminist.

Yeah, it's the active fawning I can't do that other women (and some men) do. Kids in my presence? Cool. They're talking and screaming? Alright, it's a bit annoying (the screaming I mean) but they are people too and going through a particular stage of life. But I just can't genuinely fawn for more than 30 seconds. I

Easily the best hiring decision Gawker Media has ever made.

I get the current events thing, but they're worrworriedies Slenderman in particular inspires violence?

Haha! I wouldn't go as far as saying I hate kids, but no one they knows me would ever characterized me as someone that is particularly good with them or adoring of them.

I would say the same in reverse. I want to be a parent and while I don't hate kids, I'm not a "kid person." I enjoy being around them and have worked with them, but I don't find them to be the most thrilling thing. But I want a family because I love my family and would like to increase it. It's not like they exist