
Dang, I totally missed the day that Obama unleashed the homo demons on the black man. You'd think there would have been a ribbon cutting ceremony at least, politicians love that sort of photo op.

I honestly think it has a lot to do with exposure. I am sure there are more republicans that say they are anti-gay marriage than actually are against it because they are pandering and reality couldn't give a shit. I totally believe that younger people don't give a shit because they aren't going to have to pander to

I think this is interesting and a point that might be missed among this discussion (not the discussion in this thread, but the discussion of privilege in general). People construe "male privilege" as "the privilege of being male" and, of course, being perceived as male is not a "privilege" if you are a woman. It's

The person that gives classes on workplace harassment where I work is called the "sexual harassment coordinator." I had similar thoughts on that.

That's the current position of the Roman Catholic Church. Being gay is fine, gay acts are not.

Oh Christ you're awful. Just stop.

I'll give you average being incorrect but I think normal is just as incorrect if we are using statistical definitions in this context. I have no stake in this as I am not overweight. I am not against fat acceptance, but it isn't one of my pet causes. I just don't think normal fits the message I assume Jezebel is

I still think average is better than normal. There is literal average and there is average in what we are used to.

Well that's why I said average isn't a great choice. I'm not an idiot, I know Americans are on average heavier than the Japanese. But normal to describe bodies, to me and to the general tone of Jezebel, is off base. Not just in an offensive way, normal is incredibly vague.

Yeah, I mean, was she looking for the word average? Typical? Still not great, but less insulting than normal.

Wait, Morrissey isn't an actual vegan? Fuck that guy.

Okay. For the record, I wasn't trying to counter you. I was asking your take because I am a Latina from a Latino and Asian (largely immigrant) community and we definitely had shit. I won't say it was 100% divorced from institutions as their were local politics not controlled by whites that restricted access of some

I don't deny it. I was asking as a latina in a Latino and Asian community with very little white people. Wanted that commenter's take (not that yours isn't just as welcome).

Do you not think POC can oppress other POC in Western society in communities where white people are few or non-existent?

I think the degree of power is crucial. I wish A-Rod would be banned for life and I want Rose to stay that way, but I am more leary of Rose being let back in than A-Rod. A-Rod is one man and his crime only affected what he was able to do (though it speaks to a much wider issue in the MLB and pro sports in general),

I actually don't find him incredibly funny, but he's so freakin charming I feel the same.

Were black people 15% represented in the mainsteam media then? Are they now? Point still stands, despite whatever numbers we want to pull out. If you want to break down numbers, how about the numbers in terms of suffering white society caused in the US due to enslavement, discrimination, abuse, theft, and rape of POC?

No, that's just true. The western world is dominated by white culture, but was also built off of exploitation and slavery of POC. And Kyosuke gave concrete examples of how this is true. You're moving goal posts by bringing up Japan and racism there, and now throwing it back to this statement which was solidly backed


Everywhere is racist is true, but it's not an excuse for abysmal representation of POC in American media. The US is only 70% white (and that is rapidly declining), but 30% of mainstream media in the US is not POC.